T5's or cmh? Please help with setup!


Active Member
T5 will be much cooler... I run T5's in my veg room, always had happy happy plants.
T5's bulbs are so much cooler that you can have a T5 bulb within 1" of a plant without burning. You can actually touch a T5 bulb with your hand with zero burn effect.... do that with a cmh and see the 3rd degree burns you get.


Well-Known Member
it really depends on what you are working with for space, and what you have for venting. If you are just vegging, and you are looking to have some stout plants, in a smaller space, with poor ventilation, you are probably going to want to use the T5. If you have great venting, and you want some monsters in a bigger sq. ft. area, then got for a ceramic mh.


Active Member
5x5 grow lab
Lollipop style plants
clones will get one week get then directly into flower
2"net pots in rubbermaid aero (sog style with as many as I can for comfortably under whatever lights I choose)
Venting its 6"vortex inline exhaust fan coming from a can filter and out of the tent into the main room
Intake air is 4" duct booster

Clones may get another week or 2 veg time if need be after this first round

Keep in mind lights will be used for veg and flower.
Thought about doing 2 enclosed air cooled 250 or 400 watt cmh fixtures but not sure how much heat that is going to add.
Otherwise thinking 8 bulb 4ft t5 fixtures.

Edit: I also have 8 dwc buckets that may come into the mix alsoat some point or I might just go strictly to them once I have a system down with selected clones and they would be topped for multiple main colas!


Active Member
Quantum have both the best ballast and best bulbs on the market. Don't forget to get both cool and warm bulbs, if you mix them it will make a difference.


Well-Known Member
If u want quality stuff go with cmh. everything I've seen flowered uunder t5s was like mids. Not to say that u can grow good personal smoke, it just wont tbe the best. Cmh will definetly produce more heat. I am able to keep a 400w regular mh under 83 with just a 180cfm exhaust. My 400w (330w actually) cmh should come in the mail today so I can start flowering. So ill let u know how much my temps drop compared to reg mh.


Active Member
If u want quality stuff go with cmh. everything I've seen flowered uunder t5s was like mids. Not to say that u can grow good personal smoke, it just wont tbe the best. Cmh will definetly produce more heat. I am able to keep a 400w regular mh under 83 with just a 180cfm exhaust. My 400w (330w actually) cmh should come in the mail today so I can start flowering. So ill let u know how much my temps drop compared to reg mh.
Sounds good thanks man!


Well-Known Member
I hooked upp my cmh the other day and it dropped my temps by 5 degrees even during the hotttest part of the day. Im loving this new technology