T8 Flourescent light???


Well-Known Member
I'm doing outdoor grow and I was thinking when the sun goes down or gets dark I'm thinking about bringing my plants in my patio and use a T8 4' 4 tubes 32 watt just to keep the lights on the plant so I can get the plants bigger before it flowers. Will this work for 12 clone plants about 6" tall each in 1 gallon or 2 gallon pots? Anyone suggestion or ideas would be much appreciated.


Hopefuly someone replys cause I'm growing under 3 t8s and veg it's doing good but worried about flowering


Active Member
Where do you live. Most likely your last frost date should be past and you could leave them outside. If temps stay about 55-60ish I would keep them outdoors. If you bring them inside keep the same light cycle. Remember that outodoor plant will get big and will take the whole season to mature. To force 12/12 outside would take alot of work but can be done.


Well-Known Member
I live in northern cali it's going to be real hot here pretty soon the reason I want to do this is because I want the plant to get as big as possible before flowering after it gets dark I will bring the plant in for about 4 hrs only and the light will be off and in few hours i'll bring the plants out side again.


I'm using T8's for my entire grow, veg and flower.For vegging they are awesome,my plants are compact and dense,I just started flowering them today.I just changed from cool whites to daylights.when I first started I had a t12 and a t8 hanging side by side and the plants under the t12 all leaned over to reach the light from the t8.So I'm of the opinion that the t8's are a little better than the t12's.Actually my first statement is incorrect I'm using a couple of t12 fixtures as sidelights.And yes I know florescents are not optimal for flowering but it's the only choice I have right now.


Active Member
I personally use T5's and love them. There small and are low on the energy bill. I got mine from Home Depot, i have 3 4 feet long double fixtures. So i got 6 lights in total. I wired them all together and made a simple frame using a metal stick/rod that looks like a ruler with holes in it. i found it near the nuts and bolts.

I cut the metal about in 2 sections about a foot long each. then attached them to the light fixtures using the pre-made holes. It was perfect and way cheaper then buying a 6 light fixture. The most expensive part was buying better lights. I got veg lights and bloom lights from htg-supply and have had 2 successful grows so far. I think the fixtures were around $30-40 each, the metal thing, nuts and bolts and wiring was maybe $15 at the most. The lights where pricey maybe $7 each and they might be cheaper now cause i have had these over a year.

Plus another cool thing you can do is just start of with 1 fixture at a time and add them as you need or when you get cash.

I stayed away from T8's cause people kept telling me to avoid them so i don't have any opinion about them my self. But if others had success then rock on.

Well good luck