I just find that so strange, I didnt think anyone was ever totally happy with their setup regardless of how much money they've ploughed into it. Im constantly changing what I use, making improvements/tweaks and taking advice on what I need/should get. I especially would've thought at least the guy would say "Hmm, never thought of using small cheap desk lamps, maybe I dont need a leaning shit-tower of Pisa sitting incriminatingly in the middle of my shit-room after all"...oh well, I might just have too much faith in people.
I can understand if someone has a setup that consistently supplies them with enough herb of a high enough quality to meet their needs or likes being satisfied with what they have to work with. Still even then most of those people at times are bound to pause and consider how if they stepped up their lighting some or added CO2 or did something how there would be an improvement. They might not do it out of reasons of expense or reasons of space or possibly because they might feel that the increase they would gain would not be worth the cost, effort and time to make the change and since they are already being well supplied with quality herb, why bother?
In the case of some people though I think it is just a matter of as the title of the old Sinatra song goes, "I Did It My Way." To some that is highly important. If their results turn out terrible, they still hold some pride in knowing they did it their way. If their results turn out rather well to impressive, even though they could have easily been doubly so had they did things different, they still hold pride in having done it their way.
Everyone has different priorities and places more or less importance on certain things that others do. Heck, in one thread I fairly recently got a chuckle out of someone was happy and excited to find that they had a hermie and ended up with seeds because it gave them what they called free feminized seeds.
I doubt all that many growers would have been to tickled to find out they had a hermie and now have seedy lower potency pot, but that person made it sound like it was more exciting and better than Christmas morning and finding so many gifts for them stacked around the Christmas tree that they could hardly see the tree or get in the room it was in.
I used to have a neighbor that was a psychiatrist and he often said that reality is whatever someone perceives it too be. He would normally add that there were of course limits to that, like if someone believed they were the king of some clandestine miniature nation that existed beneath the floorboards of their bathroom that would of course be insane. But within certain bounds, reality is whatever someone perceives it to be so I guess that explains being happy over hermies and satisfied with setups that most growers would never bother to make any attempt to waste the time to use.