Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
It's like Ivy! Will each of the side branches become a new tree? Do you veg until the screen is full and then switch to 12/12? This is so interesting - thank you!


Well-Known Member
It's like Ivy! Will each of the side branches become a new tree? Do you veg until the screen is full and then switch to 12/12? This is so interesting - thank you!
That's the idea precisely. I'm gonna veg until the screen only looks semi-full. When I switch to flower, you'll quickly see why. Thank you for your interest.

training coming along....
Cheers, Mate.



Well-Known Member
Loving the update jin! The plants have gotten HUGE. My computer is broken so I haven't been keeping as close of an eye as usual. Just jarred the red dragon last night, hella excited to smoke some!

Hey Mohican, I'm far from a guru but I think the pictured bud could go for a another 5 days or so? I picked my outdoor early cuz of rain but during the last few weeks they really bulk up. If you don't have a scope look at the hairs, when about 90% of them have changed color and kind of receded into the bud its ready. The pics look good, nice job!


Active Member
Yeah, ok, but if you don't mind, I'm roasting one. ;)
I would expect nothing else.
And the best part is, I made brownies ;)

On that note, and I hope you don't mind Jin, I want to show off some finished bud shots. My neighbor just finished growing some Purple Gorilla with my guidance ^_^.

The funny thing is it was grown in a DWC setup similar to yours Jin. I guess it just goes to show that roots love oxygen


Well-Known Member
And the best part is, I made brownies ;)

On that note, and I hope you don't mind Jin, I want to show off some finished bud shots. My neighbor just finished growing some Purple Gorilla with my guidance ^_^.

The funny thing is it was grown in a DWC setup similar to yours Jin. I guess it just goes to show that roots love oxygen
Furtherst from minding, I love it when people post their pix here. Wow, that's gorgeous. I really like a good purp every now and again and that looks delish. What kind of wattage did those grow under?

Loving the update jin! The plants have gotten HUGE. My computer is broken so I haven't been keeping as close of an eye as usual. Just jarred the red dragon last night, hella excited to smoke some!
Red Dragon. That just has a nice ring to it. Smoke report time. Lucky dog.


Well-Known Member
I am hoping one of the gurus that follow your posts can give me an idea of the strain. It is from some major underground OC guy.

Here is a macro shot from today (98 degrees) and it looks like I have some amber showing.

View attachment 1833896

Or is this wishful thiinking on my part? I would hate to pull it too soon. You waited another week and it looked like your Diablo doubled.
I see some that are just about to turn amber from cloudy, that 'cafe au lait' color.


Active Member
Furtherst from minding, I love it when people post their pix here. Wow, that's gorgeous. I really like a good purp every now and again and that looks delish. What kind of wattage did those grow under?
They were veg'd under 600w MH bulbs and flowered under 1000w HPS bulbs. The smell is soo... purple. You know that purple-y, grape-y, floral scent? These buds reek of it. The trim made some great hash because a lot of the leaves (especially the smaller trim) had trichomes growing all over them.

Mmmm. I loves me some wax :D


Well-Known Member
They were veg'd under 600w MH bulbs and flowered under 1000w HPS bulbs. The smell is soo... purple. You know that purple-y, grape-y, floral scent? These buds reek of it. The trim made some great hash because a lot of the leaves (especially the smaller trim) had trichomes growing all over them.

Mmmm. I loves me some wax :D
That's good light. I want some of that.


Well-Known Member
I can see that during the Bush admin, where the bulk of their constintuency is made of conservatives, but in this election cycle, we have a Democratic president looking at poll numbers that say 80 percent of Americans support or do not oppose marijuana for medical use. So are these guys still wedded to the idea that American social views are still conservative-leaning, even in the face of poll statistics that prove otherwise? Here's my theory as to the Justice Department's reversal. Obama knows that most people support responsible medical cannabis use, so does Holder. But they have to play out this charade right before an election cycle because of the huge financial contibutions from Big Pharma... So he's splitting the difference. On the one hand, many voters won't like it, but on the other hand, he'll still have big campaign money coming from the usual corporate sources to finance a re-election.

What is the main complaint against dispensaries? That they 'attract a bad crowd?' I've been a critic of dispensaries myself, but when it comes down to it, these places are NOT driving up crime rates or lowering property values in the neighborhoods they occupy. I don't really care if that skater is getting high in the alley... who is he robbing? Who is he raping? And if med patients with serious illnesses get their medicine, all the more power to the skater getting high in the alley.

And nothing is weaker and fuller of holes than the Justice Department's continued assertion that these dispensaries are a front for illegal drug trafficking. Those guys know better than anyone else that this isn't true... and they also know that dispensaries and small growers like us are the only real competition for murderous drug gangs.
I think you're right that Obama & Holder are sending the messages that their corporate donors want to hear. Gotta get those big $$$ campaign contributions. I think they're also "triangulating" like Clinton used to do. Who else are we going to vote for? Romney? The other thing might be fear of the unknown. They might be afraid that they could be responsible for turning cities across America into carbon copies of late-60's San Francisco, with a lot of dirty, unproductive drug addicts openly mulling around the streets. (Pardon me if that's an inaccurate portrait of what it was like, but I think that it's an image that scares politicians anyway.) Obviously, that's an extreme situation that doesn't have to happen as long as the laws are sensible. Just making mj schedule 2 won't lead to that. I'll be happy if I can legally vaporize it in my hospital room as part of my pain medication, buy enough of it at a medical dispensary to suit my needs and grow a few plants at home without having to hide them from the law.

BTW, I've been having a HELL of a lot more pain while in the hospital than I normally do at home. I have to take Percosets around twice a day here. At home I average about twice a week. I've also had to take a strong pain reliever called Dilaudid which is a lot like morphine, three times already this week. I'm convinced that it's mostly because I can't use mmj here like I do at home. Last night I ate 3 of my ganja cookies & slept like a baby. Without them I have too much pain to sleep & Ambien doesn't work for me by itself.​


Well-Known Member
I think you're right that Obama & Holder are sending the messages that their corporate donors want to hear. Gotta get those big $$$ campaign contributions. I think they're also "triangulating" like Clinton used to do. Who else are we going to vote for? Romney? The other thing might be fear of the unknown. They might be afraid that they could be responsible for turning cities across America into carbon copies of late-60's San Francisco, with a lot of dirty, unproductive drug addicts openly mulling around the streets. (Pardon me if that's an inaccurate portrait of what it was like, but I think that it's an image that scares politicians anyway.) Obviously, that's an extreme situation that doesn't have to happen as long as the laws are sensible. Just making mj schedule 2 won't lead to that. I'll be happy if I can legally vaporize it in my hospital room as part of my pain medication, buy enough of it at a medical dispensary to suit my needs and grow a few plants at home without having to hide them from the law.
BTW, I've been having a HELL of a lot more pain while in the hospital than I normally do at home. I have to take Percosets around twice a day here. At home I average about twice a week. I've also had to take a strong pain reliever called Dilaudid which is a lot like morphine, three times already this week. I'm convinced that it's mostly because I can't use mmj here like I do at home. Last night I ate 3 of my ganja cookies & slept like a baby. Without them I have too much pain to sleep & Ambien doesn't work for me by itself.
Yeah, I don't disagree. We MMJ patients are a pawn in a political game.

But the culture of MMJ has been firmly established in California as well as a few other states. You cannot simply uproot it by throwing a Federal switch. They'll hassle the dispensaries, some of them will close, and when things blow over, they'll re-open. Last time it was "If you didn't open your business before a certain date, you have to close." Hundreds of shops closed all across LA. But a few months later they all reopened. People like their marijuana, people want it, and some actually NEED it... From elderly to young, from skate punk to lawyer... all walks of life. LA is just a marijuana town now, they may be able to stall it, but they can't change it or stop it.

But enough of that crap. Let's get back to the sheer joy of cultivation.

These here clones are special even among all the fine, fine plants I've grown in the past. They exhibit a sensitivity and a responsiveness to their environment that I haven't quite seen before. But most important is the smell. This is by far the stinkiest veg I've ever done. The veg aroma reminds me of some Hawaiian strains I was messin' with back in the 90's. Of course we don't really know how a grow will go until the plants start flowering, but i have High, High hopes for this strain. Gonna make some knockout meds for sure.

Just hang in there Dave. You and I will see better days when I harvest.


Well-Known Member
Our biggest enemies are the profiteers and recreational users who have shamed themselves by taking advantage of a law meant to relieve the suffering of the seriously ill.

"The California marijuana industry is not about providing medicine to the sick," said U.S. Attorney Laura E. Duffy. "It's a pervasive for-profit industry that violates federal law." source

As a seriously ill patient who has spent a great deal of time seeking out a true non-profit collective, I can wholeheartedly say that the above statement is true. The "industry" is absolutely profit driven and in no way shape or form is representative of medical marijuana nor the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Meds are not tested for contaminates, meds are routinely keifed rendering the buds useless as a medication, there is diversion to weed addicts and recreational users, and prices are astronomical -- there is no safe and affordable access whatsoever.

If after 45-days the oldest, most prolific profiteers are not shut down, then we'll know where the money trail begins and ends, for sure.

It's time to get the seriously ill some affordable relief safely and quickly, or it's over! Done. End o' story. No doubt, we should wake up today to ads begging the seriously ill to come in, get their meds, and support the facility. And yes, this does mean ridding the facilities of the recreational users who are not seriously ill in addition to ridding the facilities of the profiteers.

I'm ready to roll, 40-days and counting -- safe and affordable access is on the horizon, finally!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Our biggest enemies are the profiteers and recreational users who have shamed themselves by taking advantage of a law meant to relieve the suffering of the seriously ill.

"The California marijuana industry is not about providing medicine to the sick," said U.S. Attorney Laura E. Duffy. "It's a pervasive for-profit industry that violates federal law." source

As a seriously ill patient who has spent a great deal of time seeking out a true non-profit collective, I can wholeheartedly say that the above statement is true. The "industry" is absolutely profit driven and in no way shape or form is representative of medical marijuana nor the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Meds are not tested for contaminates, meds are routinely keifed rendering the buds useless as a medication, there is diversion to weed addicts and recreational users, and prices are astronomical -- there is no safe and affordable access whatsoever.

If after 45-days the oldest, most prolific profiteers are not shut down, then we'll know where the money trail begins and ends, for sure.

It's time to get the seriously ill some affordable relief safely and quickly, or it's over! Done. End o' story. No doubt, we should wake up today to ads begging the seriously ill to come in, get their meds, and support the facility. And yes, this does mean ridding the facilities of the recreational users who are not seriously ill in addition to ridding the facilities of the profiteers.

I'm ready to roll, 40-days and counting -- safe and affordable access is on the horizon, finally!bongsmilie
Making a better world... one plant at a time... or in my case, two plants at time.

Feeling pretty good now that I have a grow going again.


Well-Known Member
Still is. Me and my girls don't like that. It should be cooler tomorrow, though.
Day 1

Day 21

These are still babies. Look how they're still showing the three bladed baby leaves.

They still have tons of horizontal space to grow. We'll def take these to 28 days. How far beyond will be determined by next week's growth. I get the feeling that the real cage contact training will begin next week.

This gives you a pretty good idea of how tall they would be by now if I just let 'em grow straight up. The side branching isn't really an issue the few times I've just let them grow straight up because even the lowest branches reach up and achieve the same top size / height as the main cola when I've done that. It's just the height issue for me, but laying them down sure exaggerates that lower branch growth. Look at the tops developing already on P1.

Note also how the main top on P1 has 'disappeared' as the lower branch tops have sized up.