Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member

Lilly has really fake looking boobs. Chrissy has a real nice ass, though. Prettier face, too, in my opinion.

Hey, now I know how I can contribute. I can be your model picker-outer.
I know... Normally I don't go for breast implants, but I really like Lilly.

Well, let me let more reactions roll in.


Well-Known Member
I know... Normally I don't go for breast implants, but I really like Lilly.

Well, let me let more reactions roll in.
She's definitely attractive.....just something about Chrissy's hair man...compliments her face and ass so well Lol..Not to mention her eyes

She's a dime √

Bootie > Boobies Anyday √


Well-Known Member
She's definitely attractive.....just something about Chrissy's hair man...compliments her face and ass so well Lol..Not to mention her eyes

She's a dime √

Bootie > Boobies Anyday √
Then you might be pleased to discover that our Chrissy is well endowed in the upper region as well.

She also has a Miley Cyrus vibe going... but with huge breasts.

And I've been talking to Chrissy for fucking years now. She's so good and professional... and I'm so naughty. She's shown immense patience with me even though I've flaked on her a couple of times. But she really adores my work and still wants to shoot with me, so I have a special place in my heart for her.

But in all fairness, let's have another look at Lilly:

Now Karl, Manrique, GEA photos, and others will just have to understand that I need to show these for voting purposes.


Well-Known Member
I thought you must have been looking at some better shots of Lilly. She looks a lot better without the perm to me. But I still like Chrissy better. Not changing my vote.


Active Member
HELLO is anybody growing weed here? hello?

just kidding, not hating... just keep looking for pics of the other kind of girls, Jin...


Well-Known Member
HELLO is anybody growing weed here? hello?

just kidding, not hating... just keep looking for pics of the other kind of girls, Jin...
You bet your sweet little ass I'm growing weed.

Now I know there are pictures of my plants in here somewhere...


Active Member
How about the Torrid Toker? Or simpler still, Curves, Cannabis, and Culture...anyway; I like to play with words. I'm sure you guys have the 'zine all figured out, but if you're ever up for a pair of editing eyes, or even content ideas...well, like I said, I like to play with words. Peace.

(...and wow, both of the girls are gorgeous; Lilly has a bit of a sharp, slightly Eighties visage (great for MILF lovers of my generation (me included, I guess)), and Chrissy has that youthful puffiness in the cheeks, the still visible edge of innocence that always pulls on our primal attractions toward the utmost vitality. As for boobs, I rather do appreciate them more when they're natural, big or small).


Well-Known Member
How about the Torrid Toker? Or simpler still, Curves, Cannabis, and Culture...anyway; I like to play with words. I'm sure you guys have the 'zine all figured out, but if you're ever up for a pair of editing eyes, or even content ideas...well, like I said, I like to play with words. Peace.

(...and wow, both of the girls are gorgeous; Lilly has a bit of a sharp, slightly Eighties visage (great for MILF lovers of my generation (me included, I guess)), and Chrissy has that youthful puffiness in the cheeks, the still visible edge of innocence that always pulls on our primal attractions toward the utmost vitality. As for boobs, I rather do appreciate them more when they're natural, big or small).
Well, well, well... What have we here? A wordsmith? Yeah, nice little demo of your writing. I like it. You're hired! Lol. No, really. I like your descriptive passage of the girls. Again, if anyone is interested and has a skill to bring... shout out!

You wouldn't believe what's already taken as domain names. I know some of you won't dig the name I came up with straight away... but it'll make more sense when you see the thing. And who knows? FemCult might just grow on you.


Well-Known Member

Lookit that bomb OG structure. Nice. This would go for top dollar at any LA shop. I stake my reputation on it. Huh? What reputation? Lol.

Yield? Let's be real. This isn't even gonna approach my last grow. But I don't give a fuck, cuz this shit is bomb.

Yeah, fuck those cat hairs!

I say who gonna smoke dis? Jin and Cheeze! Jin and Cheeze! I say whoop whoop! Jin and Cheeze! Jin and Cheeze!

Fuckin' shops. This is too good for your filthy shelves.

Oh, and hey, RIU? I know I talk a lot of smack, but I, unlike some undesirables here, at least back it up. In fact, I'll taste test challenge any of you troll-bunnies. My weed is better than your weed. I mean OUR weed, right Cheeze?

Edit 2:
Cheeze-muscle, I'm gonna make you famous on FemCult.com!


Well-Known Member

I'm about to smoke a three way mix of this here Skywalker, Deadhead, and Grand Finale. Why? Because my roommate is a fucking whore.


Well-Known Member
I am not into guns, but the girl with the gun gets my vote!!!!

Nice Tahoe btw Jin!!! lol.