Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
hahahaha...good one....tease them with the goods....then the good never show.....but we ain't goona tell 'em that!....they just need to prim themselves...for us.....yes they do!


Active Member
Im growing my first white widow plant with one 150 watt fluorescent light. It is in it's 3rd week of veg and is looking healthy. will this be enough light for the whole grow process? If not when would be the most necessary time to switch to a stronger light?

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Im growing my first white widow plant with one 150 watt fluorescent light. It is in it's 3rd week of veg and is looking healthy. will this be enough light for the whole grow process? If not when would be the most necessary time to switch to a stronger light?


Well-Known Member
well...as I mentioned yesterday....i have to tie this steaming screaming Top44 bitch off to make sure things continue in a positive direction. The one cola was touching the glass, and was heat stressing so the time has come. I will tie off and post some before and after pics and show how I did it. 'till later!


Well-Known Member
these BigBud girls are also looking very good.....an interesting contrast in phenos between the two.....they are both growing extremely well, and healthy.....bud sites really starting to develop......they have been somewhat both been overshadowed by their bigger cousin.....but now maybe with a little more light coming through with the tying off of the steaming Top44 bitch....:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
hahahahaha...of course I did! Canadian Robin Egg blue! hahahahahahaha....hmmmmmmm.......I did not do anything with a q-tip? please tell all? :blsmoke:
Oh my, you just had to use the robin egg blue, for a tie down ribbon, eh:roll:

Ummm, didya put little 'q-tips' on the plant end? :lol:
yes this is certainly going to be one fine autopsy.... thanks for visiting YGF! cheers! :blsmoke:
Damn fine looking stalks. Can't wait to see what the roots look like when you autopsy that bitch.


New Member
DUDE!! those stalks are huge...
the big buds are some mighty fine looking plant...
I wonder if it's ever too late to tie them over?


Well-Known Member
wow tahoe man!!! those are some H E F T Y lookin trees! I cant even imagine the root system on those suckas'! I guess you're lovin that cabinet hey??
looks really good bro!


Well-Known Member
Bongspit - I was floored. the stalks are robust AND flexible. did the tying off around 1PM and checked them at 400PM and they had already curled back up to grow up.....I'm prolly gonna have to keep an active management role in these new beasts....I'll take photos again tomorrow....I am astonished at the rate and speed of their response. This is really going to be interesting, as it reltes to the development of ther other bud site/stalks

EC - thanks man...the cab is certainly doing its thang rather well..... even with the tallest bud curling up against the warm glass is a demonstration of its good design, keeping the actual bulb and plants separated....I guess we'll see how that bud recovers?......though I suppose we don't know exactly what that glass plate means in terms of Quality of light?!

hey Hum....thanks so much for dropping on in and for your kind wishes. All the best to you and yoursw this holiday season. Play Safe!!


Well-Known Member
hey man....you too, and thanks for the props! I really appreciate your feedback!

I tooooook a lil'loooooookie see......this morning......and this is what greeeeeeeeeted me! This is TOTAL bliss for me. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ENJOY!

1. this is the three plants in the box (45 days from sprout).
2. a closer view of the orientation adjustment device (and resulting orientation adjustment....)....highly technologically applied.....
3. three of the "main" 8-10 colas at the moment (also demonstrating a well adapted orientation adjustment).
4. flowering with highly technologically applied orientation adjustment device (HTAOAD)
5. close up of these flowers....hmmmmmmmm

Fuggin amazing Tahoe.
Beautiful plants ya got there bud.
Hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas.



Well-Known Member
That box looks Tight! Nice work on the applied orientation adjustment device (and resulting orientation adjustment....) LOL, you may have to do it again!
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