Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
He's only got 3 dirty feet lol. he is also a lazy little turd. shit! I just realised i shoulda called him Fred coz he's a westy


Well-Known Member
I'll get a female and change the name of that one, so i'll have Fred and rose lol. I sky+ed a 3 part documentary about them but i ain't watched it yet

mr west

Well-Known Member
kool, I aint got a subscription to sky anymore but still gota a sky box but its not sky plus and it keeps flashing up to change the viewing card its a nightmare lol.


Well-Known Member
the midnight chatter of dogs and tv boxes ... hahaha /.... glad the room is a sweet place ta hang .... but we must move onto the BBox for the really interesting info. I looked in quickly yesterday, before lights out and gave her another substantial drink (water + molasses [light]). Then this morning before lights on and some general peace and quiet in the house, I snuck in some photos .... she still is growing like a screaming banshee ..... and although some evidence of slowing down ..... slowing down is not finished ...but still in the "finishing" component of the phase. SH*te ...... so what we have here .... as in previous photos ..... the main cola and some of the side buds and some perspective with a regular sized flashlight .... how much longer? I can see this biting into my travel plans .... :eyesmoke:










Well-Known Member
thanks man ... that means a lot coming from you .... I really appreciate the thoughts .... I am SO F'ing stoked on this plant ... what a fun grow she is !!

EDIT - btw - that glass marble is so mezmerizing to me .... it reminds of the begining on the first Men in Black movie ... I luv that start ...


Well-Known Member
thanks bossman .... much appreciate the visit and comments .... I had to bring out a couple of garden stakes to suppport the outer branches .... they're getting a lil'weighty ... hahahaha! and Oh the other thing ... the smell has gone from a strong citrus to a more sour stanky smell ..... what does that mean to anyone who might know? cuz .... it is not sumthin I am familiar with? thoughts? Walking On!!~~ *****pssssstttttt ..... I can't wait to smoke this ...... *********


Well-Known Member
many many thanks for your visit man. beautious ... fuk bin yeas since I heard that ... do I know you from like ok so 35 years ago ... hahahaha! I thought I recognized that awesome dogboxerguin .... hahahah! in the tux no less!! LOL!


Well-Known Member
the budface thing is pretty cool ... I just might have to dump the hot sweaty body (and a heavily beating heart amongst other natural processes) for a brazilian trimmed stanky sticky bud ...?

Oh wait that belong in the Sex or Bud/Weed thread ... LOL!