Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
BH and DrG ....many thanks for dropping on in .... yea .... I'm gonna let it dry and cure .... i have the buddage from the two early branches to keep me busy .....


Well-Known Member
First if all ......... many many thanks for the visits and thoughts .... I am so baked and it feels so good to have the room so full and active. And that's my thanks to you.

fdd, how'd u know? my hero ...my hero .... hahahaha ....
many thanks man ... love what u do with ur hands ... welding ...building schtuph ... good on ya!!
Looks amazing!!! :clap::clap::clap:
yes it was a very simple trim ... took less than an hour .... thks man!
looks like it was an easy trim too!!
the ones in the cardboard tray are from the trim .... I will do something with that .... otherwise the plant was fairly leaveless.
Nice one man! Those leaves you trimmed from the buds - the ones with no trichs on, are they being thrown?
thanks man ... much appreciated!!
Nice work T!

YGF ... thanks for your visit and thoughts my man ... torchin on! :bigjoint:
Great Job man...now take a break, sit back, relax and flame one of those bitches.
I shall I shall .... many thanks!!
Nice. Well done tahoe.
Enjoy your fruits ;)
so ... fully dried we're talking maybe 4-5oz ..... I am happy with that from one plant .... now I get to concentrate on the SubCool bitches! mmuuuwwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o


Well-Known Member
oh .... and I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without any of you'all. By every measure I am a total noob in this new horticultural pursuit, but it does seem to fit me very well. I like the fit. Makes walking on real real easy. Walking On!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
you know ... as funny as this pic is ... and I am still laughing and hurting from that exchange .... hahahahaha ...... but ....what about? what about what this guy was really doing? an acid trip? A merely joyful fellow? a recent release from prison? or the psych ward? whaddaya think ...shall I construct a poll?


Well-Known Member
fuk I just burst out laughing ever time I see that fukin pic .... its is just so intensely bizarre! LOL!!! and it ahs NUTHIN to do with being high!!! hahahaha!


Active Member
Let me know what you're doing with your trim mate and document it if you could. Don't know what to do with my popcorn buds and sugar leaves. I have quite a lot of it. Apparently it's too harsh to smoke that sort of stuff, but it looks potent.


Well-Known Member
many thanks man ... love what u do with ur hands ... welding ...building schtuph ... good on ya!!

Fully dried we're talking maybe 4-5oz ..... I am happy with that from one plant .... now I get to concentrate on the SubCool bitches! mmuuuwwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Thanks for the kind words!! It's nice to hear that. I just hope to be as good as you with lady's some day!!;-)

4-5 oz, good results!! I'll probably get 2 when mine is dry. Not bad I think for a 3.5' sativa. The buds on her are very airy (for a lack of a better word).

I agree with Mr West, it's probably a drug induced "religious" experience for our happy musician. Dance on you funny little man!!:lol::bigjoint: