Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

i hear its pheno dependant some as early as 58 days but i doubt that that's the sativa side of things T... i think she'll deffo exceed the expectation tho :lol:

mine look a lot more indie than yours i hope it gets as frosty...
good luck with that huh .... yea from the beginning mine had the long thin sativa leaves ... the frostiness might well be the same ... let's hope ... Walk on!!~~~~
No-one ever knows which way the weed will turn.
Her pheno's....are beautiful.

That's what makes it interesting.
Isn't there a way you can get the moisture vented out the house? I know you woulda thought of everything but it seems such a shame to stop when you had your shit so down. I had to get rid of everything once when i had unexpected and unwanted relatives come for a surprise visit once and i lost my sensi jack herer clones that i had. I grew the mothers from seed and i had an awesome pheno on one of 'em that i had 6 clones of. The mother gave me some of the best weed i've ever had so i know your pain but at least you've still got access to them, i'll probably never get a plant from seed like that jh again
yeah ive pretty much thought of all the ways i could but at the end of the day the house has a damp problem and i aggravated it with a tent full of ganj. its a shitter but shit happens eh.

it wont be long before im back on track n my pal can look after the genetics, if all goes to plan. ill whip some clones off the dairy queens n see if i cant find a mother keeper. to go with the cheese n co. you never know i might have a new house before xmas.

in the words of arnie

house has a damp problem

That damp-rid product works, and it's only sodium chloride (same as ice-melt). I bet you could rig a sreen in a plastic trough, and run your exhaust through it... but a humidifier may be cheaper in the long run.

I just use the gallon size damprid in my flowering room, and it does a good jobg lowering the humidity...

And Tahoe, those pics look furrier than ever lol :weed: From frost to fur! LOL
all sorted now ive re opened an air brick and a couple of days with the dehumidifier has sorted the mould right out!! cheers for the suggestion tho fella i got a couple of those damp thins for the cupboards.

Reallly really and really really ... only two .... three, wait .... four ... its four words ... these are the words and u need to put them in the right order .... THERMO NUCLEAR DAIRY QUEEN .... oh fuck I gave it away ... its your lucky fukin day. I have been well, mostly bakin ... and workin and nakin and workin .... bake on!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Manny many thanks for your visits and conversation. I will try to be a little more regular ... but life has taken a different [ace and my posting probably will not be so ..... I'm not going anywhere, just making sure the train doesn't leave the tracks while the engineer is playing with himself and watching kiddie porn.

BTW - did you see that? Catholic Bishop from Eastern Canada .....guy that fukin got nailed by customs agents with friggin kiddie porn on his laptop ... and this is the same freakin guy that was the "Healer" in another hideous case where vicitims were counseled and cared for by this maniac ... don't ya just luv dem catholics ...

For me? I'm thinking the whole friggin world is screwed. I have said for years .... *****continued in next post*****
I want to just go hide on a mountaintop ... and enjoy the simplest of simplest the world has to offer. Have any u seen that new chinese sculpture? A representation of Wall Stret and its follies .... its like 40ft tall ... an illustrates a Bull blowing rocket fuel out its butt and pinning Berni L Madoff against the fall. I'm serious, take a look!


The same people that made the policies that got us into this mess are making new ones to get us out of that ... huh? tell me how that works out!! .....

Also, have you seen that new trailer for the movie 2012 (I might be a little behind the time but the other night was the first time I saw it ...roo much of the DQ ice cream) .... considering the calamity that the world is in right now (economies, capital markets, employment civil unrest, unstable social structures ....), I not sure the world needs to see a movie like this? Independence Day and May tommorrow Never Come are two of my favorite for that genre. This one, the visuals will be fukin unreal in the theatre!!
