Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

Great conversation going on here, too bad I've been so busy I missed most of it.

Recession is only defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP, but regardless of whether the global cooperative is expanding, the standard of living here in the US continues to decline.

It's a Walmart life for us
It's the hard knock life (uh-huh) for us
It's the hard knock life, for us!!
Steada Treated,we get tricked
Steada kisses, we get kicked
It's the Walmart life!! :mrgreen:


Any "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" watchers here?

They had a great new episode Thursday night that was a good analogy for our govt's economic "solution."

I'm going to TIVO this right now. Reps+

hey folks many thanks for the visits and thoughts. Westie ... luv them pics ... I am so so so at home in nature .... no wonder I am gonna like going back to living in my log cabin and still growing my own weed .... though will prolly have to rely on Mr.Sunshine .... instead of our "contrived" sunshine ...

its cold here...... I need to smoke more.... :)..... Sensi Star in the bong.....bongsmilie..... there yah go :)

Don't forget the wind turbines.. lol

Wow those buds a few posts back look very dank! :weed:
What up T? I've been very busy with life and haven't had a chance to be on the computer much. I'll be updating probably tomorrow. Any new pic's of your DQ? The Ch's are coming down next Wed. They will be starting their 9th week. I'm still not seeing alot of amber tric's though. There's hardly any of the plants left because every day or 2 I find myself cutting off another lower branch. I cut all my seed branches yesterday and took all the seeds and labled everything.

Enough about me in your thread, bring on the bud porn!!!!!
Sunday evening chill down ... double espresso after dinner and some top44 and DairyQueen to layer the sgar coating ... I'ma luvin this ...


Top 44 eh? I'm (attempting) my grow of it right now. Still a seedling but how is the strain? Never smoked it but had the seeds. I'm going to start a journal soon so I can get some help with my follies but was just wondering on how the high was. Great thread by the way guys.
Top44...Damn Tahoe, didn't you grow that more than a year ago?....mmmmmmm what a cure, if you did...Can smell the dank from here....walk on over this way with that jaybird
Hey folks, welcome and glad to see the crowd is still enjoying the room a little. Its been a little hectic with life living life ... bein busy keeping the forward progress progressing ...

cold, did you say cold, they whoever they are decided that we needed to experience winter several months early ... grrrr .... boy anyone with outdoor schtuph would have been fukd, in some places over a foot of the heavy wet stuff, and we even had -14C!! grrrr ....
its cold here...... I need to smoke more.... :)..... Sensi Star in the bong.....bongsmilie..... there yah go :)

the conversation unfortunately will grow in the next weeks and months and this continues to unravel in a very very ugly way! batton the hatches, she's gonna blow!
Great conversation going on here, too bad I've been so busy I missed most of it.

Recession is only defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP, but regardless of whether the global cooperative is expanding, the standard of living here in the US continues to decline.

It's a Walmart life for us
It's the hard knock life (uh-huh) for us
It's the hard knock life, for us!!
Steada Treated,we get tricked
Steada kisses, we get kicked
It's the Walmart life!! :mrgreen:


I'm going to TIVO this right now. Reps+

Don't forget the wind turbines.. lol

Wow those buds a few posts back look very dank! :weed:

hey man ... living life and focusing on schtuph to keep the world moving forward. my girls continue to grow albeit slowly ... not sure what happened, but they are at least stiull growing and pumping up the buddage and the crystals .... I'll be posting some pics again soon. :blsmoke::blsmoke:
What up T? I've been very busy with life and haven't had a chance to be on the computer much. I'll be updating probably tomorrow. Any new pic's of your DQ? The Ch's are coming down next Wed. They will be starting their 9th week. I'm still not seeing alot of amber tric's though. There's hardly any of the plants left because every day or 2 I find myself cutting off another lower branch. I cut all my seed branches yesterday and took all the seeds and labled everything.

Enough about me in your thread, bring on the bud porn!!!!!

living life and getting schtuph done .. walking forward ... gotta keep the foward progress.
yeah T where da bud at man ????

I like the top44 that I got, speedy and energizing, and happy ... sweet, and clean and clear ... I like it.
Top 44 eh? I'm (attempting) my grow of it right now. Still a seedling but how is the strain? Never smoked it but had the seeds. I'm going to start a journal soon so I can get some help with my follies but was just wondering on how the high was. Great thread by the way guys.

hahahaha ... well sorta ... career shift time and refocus .... need to keep the forward progress ....
Still have a job?

You ain't buying enough shit from China

those are like a month or so .... early premature buds in both cases ....
awesome lookin buds my dude!they are soooo frosty how long did u cure?

that was from my new top44 grow ... one plant and got almost 5ozs .... and its at least as good as the previous, I think this time I actually let it finish properly ... as is what I am doing with the DQ and PurpleGooey ..... they are being slow and steady ... but looking very good. I'll get some pics up again soon ... yeeehhaawwww!!!!
Top44...Damn Tahoe, didn't you grow that more than a year ago?....mmmmmmm what a cure, if you did...Can smell the dank from here....walk on over this way with that jaybird

ya no fucking shit haha

they be coming soon ... life and been pretty full lately, and the plants are growing really slow ... but I will get some new pics up soon ...
New pics are a must! :)
good to see u about tahoe, we've had one of the mildest autumns in years over here, wildlife dunt quite know what to make of it lol.
hey man thanks for the visit and the thoughts. Yea the world is being a whacky place of late hasn't it? the financial meltdown, the climate change, the crowded populations ..... I like the thought of my mountainside hiding place ... hahaha! I be sitting back enjoying my homegrown weed and watching the masses friggin kills themselves over .... whatever it is they're killing themselves over ... our world has become a strange strange place. And I can't wait to see what happens when the bottom falls out again but this time for real (but only after one more moonshot) .... buckle up, its gonna b a helluva ride .... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
good to see u about tahoe, we've had one of the mildest autumns in years over here, wildlife dunt quite know what to make of it lol.
live on and live large, cuz that's all there is. there is no destination, there is only the travel. Worrying and waiting is wasted energy. Channel that energy into providing yourself and those around you with the best day, the best week, the best month, the best year one moment at a time. Every moment is new and every past moment is old and outdated. Thoughts and memories are packets of energy. Energize them.
live on and live large, cuz that's all there is. there is no destination, there is only the travel. Worrying and waiting is wasted energy. Channel that energy into providing yourself and those around you with the best day, the best week, the best month, the best year one moment at a time. Every moment is new and every past moment is old and outdated. Thoughts and memories are packets of energy. Energize them.

:clap:Well said Tahoe!! There's only one direction worth looking, forward!:peace:
live on and live large, cuz that's all there is. there is no destination, there is only the travel. Worrying and waiting is wasted energy. Channel that energy into providing yourself and those around you with the best day, the best week, the best month, the best year one moment at a time. Every moment is new and every past moment is old and outdated. Thoughts and memories are packets of energy. Energize them.

true that man true that! are you actually one of those motivational speaker fellas?!? lol im having visions of you telling no one but trees in your mountain hideaway how to focus all thier good energy n such!

happy growin man
n seeing as im already rambling.... where do all the smokin cowgirl avitars come from man? is there some specialist cowgirls pornmag im not aware of?