Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


gonna steal this pic to show me mate lol
Damn Tahoe....how do you expect someone to read the thread when you have those avatars?.....My mind tells my eyes to read the content and my eyes tell my mind to eat shit and die...I'm coming to Canada and you have to introduce me to some o' these canuck women.....now, what was the subject of the thread???
Damn Tahoe....how do you expect someone to read the thread when you have those avatars?.....My mind tells my eyes to read the content and my eyes tell my mind to eat shit and die...I'm coming to Canada and you have to introduce me to some o' these canuck women.....now, what was the subject of the thread???

What the hell is she pointing at anyway? :twisted:
many many thanks for your visit and thoughts .... everyone .... so so incredibly appreciated.

hey man thanks! I still can't quite believe it.
Your plants are some of the most resinious I've seen. Just beautiful.

yea I can't friggin wait ... should be da bomb ....
Fuck me running, I want to see those cured for like 2-3 months. It will be absurd!

well, by leeching you mean lettin 'em dry up before choppin? yes ... though I gave them water again yesterday that's probably the last one. I've been spacing out the final waterings by several days and allowing for almost complete dryness or at least very parched. :bigjoint:
Did you already leech them or do you do that?

hahahahaha ... DrG ... I can count on u for the reciprocal yyeehhaawwww!! ~~~~~~ !! many many thanks!
LOL:hump: yeeehaww!!:eyesmoke:

hahaha ... jsut too stoned ... yup ....
yes they are nice to look at, i prefer looking at pics of mine rather than the live look for somereason cant think why tho too stoned as normal lol.

when where will it end .... a couple more days I do believe ...
woooooooo haaaaaaw they just keep getting better and better T

most certainly .... you are invited to do so ....

gonna steal this pic to show me mate lol

hahahahah .... YGF ...good to see you again!!
Damn Tahoe....how do you expect someone to read the thread when you have those avatars?.....My mind tells my eyes to read the content and my eyes tell my mind to eat shit and die...I'm coming to Canada and you have to introduce me to some o' these canuck women.....now, what was the subject of the thread???

thanks man .... I am sold and recommend for sure!
fffffff tahoe :clap:

someone's getting +repped for having such beautiful specimen. :bigjoint:

I'd love to get my hands on some DQ now.

thanks GC .... many thanks for your visit. :bigjoint:
Nice crescendo! It just doesn't get any better than that... carpet O' trichs. :bigjoint:

hahahaha well I could postulate, but I'd probably have to go change my pants. lol!
What the hell is she pointing at anyway? :twisted:

fur coats.
i think she must work part time as a coat stand :lol:

I tell you, fur coats. LOL!!
Wet donkey jacket etc

Avatar bump ... priceless man! thanks!! :bigjoint:
avatar bump!!! LOL :eyesmoke:
Sad to see the other Avatar go Tahoe:sad:, I am more of a booty man, but they are a real perky set.....oh, and the bud pics are nice too:bigjoint:
i think your threads having a funny effect on me Tahoe, i told the missus she would look smoking in just a stetson and a pair of cuban heels.......
the grow is bad ass....the avatar?....is she in a meat locker?.....why can't I meet women like that?.....oh yeah, I'm a poor, old feck....

confidence and a good personality are all ya need bro. im a prick and always in pain but i still manage.

i still wish it was like the good old days where we could just club them and have our way with them. try that now and wed get a restraining order and half our shit taken off us lol.

confidence and a good personality are all ya need bro. im a prick and always in pain but i still manage.

i still wish it was like the good old days where we could just club them and have our way with them. try that now and wed get a restraining order and half our shit taken off us lol.
We all seem to have a great fit in our mates

Now your girl is going to see that and say "Oh so you want to go around clubbing women huh? And have your way with them? Then go get them and I'll see ya later....." jk..We all seem to have a great fit in our women although miune won't even go into the grow room because she says she doesn't want to know anything about it, just smoke it.....
We all seem to have a great fit in our mates

Now your girl is going to see that and say "Oh so you want to go around clubbing women huh? And have your way with them? Then go get them and I'll see ya later....." jk..We all seem to have a great fit in our women although miune won't even go into the grow room because she says she doesn't want to know anything about it, just smoke it.....

you got that pretty close lol.

ma missus wants to know everything lol.

should i give her an apprenticeship :lol:. im thinking about it lol.
i still wish it was like the good old days where we could just club them and have our way with them. try that now and wed get a restraining order and half our shit taken off us lol.
Oh so you want to go around clubbing women huh?
And have your way with them?
Then go get them and I'll see ya later.....

its not my fault chicks pretty themselves up to make me look at them lmfao.

i think its actually rude not to they spend all that $$$ and coin to be noticed so fuck it give em what they want. its called being polite bro lol.

hehe it sux ass
ma girl knows i love her though

Oh so you want to go around clubbing women huh?
And have your way with them?
Then go get them and I'll see ya later.....

you guys seen it she said i can get me some extra nookies :lol:

j.j sorry babe ya know i loves ya