Tai Chi, Meditation And Green


Well-Known Member
Does anyone on here practice tai chi? If so id be curious to see how your meditation goes on green. I just tried some chi cultivation after smoking some decent sativa last night and for the first time i was able to feel the turbine sensation that is supposed to signify your chi growing. Anybody know what im talking about?


Well-Known Member
If I were my teacher, I'd say 'save that for after taiji'. Personally, I do my gongfu then get lit after I've cooled down, then do my taiji. I think it gives you a lot of false qi sensations mostly because it slows your energy flow and breathing...which is your qi or chi. As far as meditation goes, you should never be intoxicated when you still meditate, it's like using a crutch for walking. Surprisingly, though, I learn a lot of new techniques much much easier when I'm a bit high.


Active Member
As far as meditation goes, you should never be intoxicated when you still meditate, it's like using a crutch for walking...
I use a cane for walking. It's not "wrong".

I use Cannabis and other entheogens during meditation and spiritual exercise. It's not "wrong."


Follow Your Bliss.


Active Member
Soft, internal martial arts are the shit :blsmoke:

I do Iron Shirt Chi Kung, somewhat similar to tai chi, all the time when I am high.

I find the highness (dont get me started on shroomness) really helps me tune in to subtle and not-so-subtle bodily messages/sensations.

I take my first proper tai chi class tommorow :bigjoint:


Active Member
I've practiced taijiquan for a long time. I wouldn't mix the two. It wouldn't hurt to try, but if you do it all the time, you might miss out on the benefits of taijiquan.

After practice you may feel really energized and some people have trouble sleeping afterward. I sometimes have a beer, I suppose weed might fill the same purpose.


Well-Known Member
Tai Chi Chuan and growing are the only two important things there are, growing anything that is.

I do Yang and Chen plus Pa Kua, and some Shing Yi. trained Iron Shirt (nothing like Tai Chi at all for f*ck sakes)

I won a north american heavy weight title for grappling while on shrooms

love to smoke and play

chi moves when your posture is correct the rest is bla bla

if you read the yang family secret transmissions on page one is describes it "like carrying something on your head" try it and see if really now how to move


Well-Known Member
I first started noticing the rush of my chi when i would be high. All it is is just relaxing the muscles to make that energy free flowing. If your looking for a good practice to study, Qigong is a perfect one. All smoking does it increase the flow more easily, and being able to control it or activate it at any time, well for me at least. All the techniques and practices have similar results..activating the chi everyday for complete mind clarity and body-mind connection. I just started meditating about 2 months ago but i am already making good progress. my hands get real hot and allow me to heal my aching body parts( which are easy to see when your high cause your so relaxed) by focusing on the breath sucking out the bad as you exhale, well thats just how i picture it, we all have different ways of imaginative guidence of our chi. I highly recommend the Qigong Basics book found at local librarys, its very helpful in your understanding of your body and the power of your mind intent. ( its all about your mind intent, im just now realizing the gravity of that statement) how i helped, but the most important thing is meditate and focus on your breathing and releasing of your chi through your breathing


New Member
I've been doing Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, and Cosmos Chi Kung; although I never got to smoke. Where i used to live I knew all the dealers, and was not to far away from getting to smokem but I've moved across the country now and I have to start my search all over again. I have to say though that after I do Taijiquan for a long period of time, I basically feel like I'm high on the energy flowing throughout me.


Well-Known Member
Ask your tai chi master what he thinks. I guarantee you he'll tell you to save it for after practice.


Well-Known Member
Ask your tai chi master what he thinks. I guarantee you he'll tell you to save it for after practice.
that may not be the best thing to do, when i discussed this with my teacher he decided he no longer could teach me and it took a while to sort that out and it work out in the end, but it was a close one. some people are in positions that make the herb a problem for them and depending on their standing in certain communities ....bla bla bla


Well-Known Member
that may not be the best thing to do, when i discussed this with my teacher he decided he no longer could teach me and it took a while to sort that out and it work out in the end, but it was a close one. some people are in positions that make the herb a problem for them and depending on their standing in certain communities ....bla bla bla

to be honest, i don't think it'll make much difference

if you seriously want to learn something like tai chi, the the first thing you need to learn is to do what the teacher tells you

if you don't, it doesn't matter, because in the end you'll either learn to do what he says or you'll quit

these little arguments you have in your head with your teacher, particularly your speculations about his or her motivations for telling you something, are poison for your practice


Well-Known Member
I use a cane for walking. It's not "wrong".

I use Cannabis and other entheogens during meditation and spiritual exercise. It's not "wrong."


Follow Your Bliss.
interesting perspective

but if that's true, then why take lessons?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone on here practice tai chi? If so id be curious to see how your meditation goes on green. I just tried some chi cultivation after smoking some decent sativa last night and for the first time i was able to feel the turbine sensation that is supposed to signify your chi growing. Anybody know what im talking about?
If you're serious about meditation, I recommend you try The Energy-Control Meditation Technique.

Energy-Control Meditation Technique


Well-Known Member
Practice any meditation as long as you are watching. I think that marijuana expands consciousness to a point...but if you overdo it then you will just get lost in thought and not watch it.


Well-Known Member
to be honest, i don't think it'll make much difference

if you seriously want to learn something like tai chi, the the first thing you need to learn is to do what the teacher tells you

if you don't, it doesn't matter, because in the end you'll either learn to do what he says or you'll quit

these little arguments you have in your head with your teacher, particularly your speculations about his or her motivations for telling you something, are poison for your practice
what a condescending attitude you have. these were not arguments in my head, nor was there any speculations about anything.


Well-Known Member
Practice any meditation as long as you are watching. I think that marijuana expands consciousness to a point...but if you overdo it then you will just ge Tai Chi, meditation and greent lost in thought and not watch it.
some meditations are dangerous. some should not be done by beginners. ever talk to any devoted mantak chia disciples and you will very likely see the negative results of practicing a bastardized meditation and it can be pretty ugly


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to overstimulating chakras then I'm quiet aware of the consequences. But just watching your thoughts is simple enough and helps one to stop wasting energy on thinking too much.

I would imagine that "dangerous" meditations would not even be known by beginners let alone overdone.


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to overstimulating chakras then I'm quiet aware of the consequences. But just watching your thoughts is simple enough and helps one to stop wasting energy on thinking too much.

I would imagine that "dangerous" meditations would not even be known by beginners let alone overdone.
i new ppl more then a decade ago that were reading books based loosely on Yellow Emperor writings that were not practicing these things in there intended ways which is what made them dangerous, though they were doing them as the books taught.

Your statement regarding beginners is laughable considering that now we have the internet and all sorts of supposed knowledge is available but the sources can obviously be in question.


Well-Known Member
Squatting a half ton would be dangerous if you did not know what you were doing. I doubt that a beginner would even try to do that. A lot of things are dangerous. The Buddha urged the middle path. If you listen to your inner guru then you avoid dangers. But I will laugh at my statement with you. What do I know?

I just don't see the danger in watching your thoughts...considering we are conscious beings and watching your thoughts is as natural as taking a breath.