Take a look at my friend's setup!?! PLEASE!


Active Member
Under 3 - 23 watt flourescents. Will be 600 MH soon. 24/7 or 18/6.

The problem is when he took the seeds from the napkin there was NO SEED. JUST a ROOT with 2 leaves. He didn't know how to plant it.

So he ripped the rockwool in half and just put the root in there and tried to get it below the cup as well.

Problem is that he didn't know how deep to bury it.

The roots all were imbedded into the papertowel so usually the tip of the root got ripped. Hope that is not a problem??




Well-Known Member

Uh the seed shell fell of. The leaves go up so the long white stem goes down.

The the plant will grow upwards towards the light and begin growing.

Why did you start with a set up like this. You need to understand how a plant grows before just jumping into something like growing marijuana.....


Active Member
sorry this is off the subject but i like your tubs i just bought 6 of them today in the same color lol! did yuou get them from home depot too?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i did that with my last grow i germed a little too long you probably woulda been better off just potting in the hydrostone but I think you will be ok..just give em a litle time and you will know.


Well-Known Member
That story reminds me of a friend I used to have.

He jumped into the river, when he bobbed up for the third time it occured to him, "I can't swim!".

He drowned. Bad planning!


Active Member
That story reminds me of a friend I used to have.

He jumped into the river, when he bobbed up for the third time it occured to him, "I can't swim!".

He drowned. Bad planning!
what do you mean bad planning? i think he did alright for starting out. he was told to wait a week for his seeds in a napkin. but they sprouted hardcore in only 4 days.


Active Member
and those will be just fine some of them look like they are already taking to the rock wool keep faith i will work out.


Well-Known Member
The setup looks ok to me, the seedling should be fine. the only thing that concerns me is how many plant sites you have in each tub, you going to have to grow them small to make it work. Personally i would have only 2 plant sites per tub, 1 on each side. MJ plants can grow pretty big and take up lots of room.

1 plant in a 8 gallon container here. 3 weeks into flower



Well-Known Member
GET THAT POWER STRIP OFF THE TUBS FILLED WITH WATER! Water can splash through that hydroton, not to mention any condensation off the tent, plants, ducting, etc, plus maybe high humidity... get the power strip out of the tent and run the wires outside the tent plugging them in away from any water whatsoever and out of the growing environment all together before you burn the house down. Safety and Silence First.