Take a Look at my poor plants please.

Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
@Terry385: You were dead-on correct. Root rot for sure was at least part of the problem. The roots had begun to turn brown by the time I got home from work. I flushed them with water for a few minutes, then I flushed them with a hydrogen peroxide solution for a half hour. I also washed out the reservoir, changed the solution with a much weaker mix, and covered the hydroton to eliminate light. All of the plants are looking better already but #4 is reaching for the sky now. I'll keep a close eye on it and treat as needed, but I think they'll be OK.


Well-Known Member
i never beat root rot i try almost every thing on the market $$$
i started over a lot had clones going in cloner all the time
my nutes had a trace amount of organics in it change to Dutch Master nutes with zone worked ( Heisenberg used )https://www.rollitup.org/t/dwc-root-slime-cure-aka-how-to-breed-beneficial-microbes.361430/ did a lot of reading i did not have slim i had root rot ...
water temp. also keep at 68 or under and no light coming res. lots of air bubbles ph 5.8 dwc plants get huge as u seen in my journal root ball filled that 5 gal. bucket have a bigger tote but no room to use it at that time. One plant one pound was my goal and still is
i watch this guy on youtube before he change to pay channel got his web site up now http://hygrohybrid.com/
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Well-Known Member
@Terry385: You were dead-on correct. Root rot for sure was at least part of the problem. The roots had begun to turn brown by the time I got home from work. I flushed them with water for a few minutes, then I flushed them with a hydrogen peroxide solution for a half hour. I also washed out the reservoir, changed the solution with a much weaker mix, and covered the hydroton to eliminate light. All of the plants are looking better already but #4 is reaching for the sky now. I'll keep a close eye on it and treat as needed, but I think they'll be OK.
Keep me updated how it's going just post here or in my journal if you want DWC grow # 2 hope i don't get root rot at res. change that's when it's starts


Well-Known Member
id say scrap it if your getting it already. go dirt or soiless and put some in the bag this time. rot sucks.


Well-Known Member
Or just get a water chiller and keep water temps at 65.

But even still I've only had root rot in dwc when air pump broke or in the dead of 100 degree summer heat waves. Your rooms maybe to hot or do not adequate air ventilation (not circulation). If room is 75 or 78, then your water will be 75-78, a.k.a. room temperature. There are some neat home made chiller DIY on RIU.

A little calcium chloride in the res. cured up any rot issues I had until I got temps under control.

Imho, dirt is for outside. No way an average joe/beginner can get the weight and quality of dwc, in dirt without years of knowledge. I've done both and honestly, dwc is the easiest, cleanest and most lazy yet rewarding way I've found to get killer herb. Even with the soil on point you're still talking weeks behind dwc to harvest. Of course there are plenty of reasons to grow organic, but thats another story.

Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
@Terry385 : I'll keep you posted, and I'll keep an eye on your grow log, too. I'll have to try the Dutch Master nutes next time around for sure. I got some pearl white duct tape today to seal it better against light leaks. I spoke with a hydro grower in Colorado last night and he gives his a hydrogen peroxide flush once a week. He's got a lot of great-looking healthy plants he showed me, so I'm trying that with these. If I can get these to cloning size, I'll be happy. Then I can trash these and work with the clones.

@Alienwidow: Yeah, I thought about it, but if I can get them to veg long enough to get some healthy clones, then I wouldn't consider it a total loss. Plus, I'm learning about fighting root rot. The plants really are looking better, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

@thenotsoesoteric teric: Yeah, my temp is steady at around 77. A chiller is definitely going to be in order. Thanks for the tip on a DIY chiller. I grew in dirt once years ago and harvested a little bit of pretty good bud, but you perfectly outlined the reasons I'm learning hydroponics. Cleaner, quicker, and once perfected, less work and better yields. I'm not giving up. :)

Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
Only thing i have not tried Hydrogaurd give it a shot may work hearing good thing about it

i'm trying this http://blueplanetnutrients.com/ 3part on this DWC
I looked at my roots a little while ago, and they still look dingy. Not as brown as they were yesterday, but I think that it is coming back on so I just went ahead and ordered a bottle of the Hydroguard. The reviews on it at Amazon are great.


Well-Known Member
I looked at my roots a little while ago, and they still look dingy. Not as brown as they were yesterday, but I think that it is coming back on so I just went ahead and ordered a bottle of the Hydroguard. The reviews on it at Amazon are great.
i'm picking up a bottle also never know
old one not sold any more Aquashield did not work

Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
i'm picking up a bottle also never know
old one not sold any more Aquashield did not work
I'm reading good things about the hydroguard, so I thought it might be worth a shot. Pricey, but if it works as people describe, then it will be worth it in the time and expense it saves me in the long run. I'm also looking at changing from the tub that I'm using to the five-gallon black buckets.


Well-Known Member
one DWC plant one 600 watt hps bulb one pound

the five-gallon black buckets. lot easier to maintain also only 4 gal of water less nutes top off once a week change res. about 10 days can't get easier
water temp. mine in the 60's
with the hydroguard heard can run warmer temp. also
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Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
one DWC plant one 600 watt hps bulb one pound

the five-gallon black buckets. lot easier to maintain also only 4 gal of water less nutes top off once a week change res. about 10 days can't get easier
water temp. mine in the 60's
with the hydroguard heard can run warmer temp. also
Nice! I'm going to go ahead and order one. BTW, your grow journal has inspired me! I went ahead and started one on this grow since I'm so early into it. Will I save the plants or will I fail miserably? Follow it and find out! :D