Take a look @ my plants!!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It is impossible to tell what kind of buds you got there's like an infinite amount of possibilities. My guess is since you don't know it's probably a random bagseed. From the pics it's obvious u have a few weeks left the hairs are still white and the buds are small. Get a magnifying glass or something and check the trichomes when they are about 50% amber pick them. If you do in fact have some buds that are maturing faster (check the trichs) than you can go ahead and harvest them and let the rest fill up yes.

k i was a little confused each link has seperate pics. the first link and second link have have a few weeks the third link is shows more mature plants that look about ready. Have you been flushing the plants with regular water?


Active Member
It is impossible to tell what kind of buds you got there's like an infinite amount of possibilities. My guess is since you don't know it's probably a random bagseed. From the pics it's obvious u have a few weeks left the hairs are still white and the buds are small. Get a magnifying glass or something and check the trichomes when they are about 50% amber pick them. If you do in fact have some buds that are maturing faster (check the trichs) than you can go ahead and harvest them and let the rest fill up yes.

k i was a little confused each link has seperate pics. the first link and second link have have a few weeks the third link is shows more mature plants that look about ready. Have you been flushing the plants with regular water?

^^^know's what he's talking about REP ADDED:joint:<<take a puff
Well can never tell What they are had the same problem with my fat bitches (pics on profile- got four clones from clone fairy and they were all supposed to be the same and they weren't). So as for knowing the flowering period you will have to do that by eye. If you want radioshack has a great scope for 13 bucks and its 60-100 times just takes so time getting used to (practice makes perfect). As for flowering 56 days is eight weeks but i thought you had to give the plant time to make the transfer from veg to flowering?????. Have you started your flush why are there yellow leaves in the pics in the last row

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
It is impossible to tell what kind of buds you got there's like an infinite amount of possibilities. My guess is since you don't know it's probably a random bagseed. From the pics it's obvious u have a few weeks left the hairs are still white and the buds are small. Get a magnifying glass or something and check the trichomes when they are about 50% amber pick them. If you do in fact have some buds that are maturing faster (check the trichs) than you can go ahead and harvest them and let the rest fill up yes.

k i was a little confused each link has seperate pics. the first link and second link have have a few weeks the third link is shows more mature plants that look about ready. Have you been flushing the plants with regular water?
Yes i have been watering them on a regular basis

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
They still look pretty green to me I personally would flush the soil really heavily at least one more time and see if they will use up some of the fan leaves energy. You should be able to see the trichs they will sparkle when they go amber. Looks dank as hell btw

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
ok, ill flush the soild one more time before i begin to harvest the plants on the third link. should i flush the soil with only water?


Well-Known Member
No way to tell strain from the pics...sorry. But the harvest time is best told by the color of the trichomes as pipe dream said. But there should be a minimum of 70% amber colored trichs. Pay no attention to the "hairs" as they give you false information if you try to harvest from their color. It isn't as accurate as the trichs. I have attached a picture of a magnifier they sell at Radio Shack. It's a 60-100 X lighted magnifier they sell for about $21.95. The trichs start out clear, then go opaque and THEN go amber. Once you see about 50% amber, there is approximately 1-2 weeks left before you harvest. Good luck. Actually, it's referred to as a microscope at Radio Shack.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yeah those are the shit i need to get one someday. I bought a jewelers loop last time but I lost it it was a peice of crap anyways. Yeah you should be flushing with water get all the fertilizers out of your soil. (in general 2 weeks before harvest nothing but water)I'm pretty sure you got some nutrient buildup but at this point it's too late to fix. By flushing the soil you give the plant the opportuinty to clear out it's system and use up it's remaining energy, otherwise the smoke could be harsh or won't burn right.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Shouldn't the yellow curling leaves be somewhat normal at he end? If not I've started watering (no nutes) to the more mature plants today will do so for 5 days. The Sativa which is less developed I will stop nutes in 10-14 days and the water strictly for the next 3-5 days. Someone says I am using to much phosphorus. I am using Fox Farm, Tiger Bloom, MorBloom (fish emulisifier) AND molasses every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the yellowing is normal to a point. The upper most leaves on the main cola will turn a brownish yellow and curl the closer you get to flowering completion. I have harvested both with and without "flushing" the nutes. The harshness will be stronger with nutes that are chemical in origination. Natural nutes don't seam to have as much, but either way I have never had an occasion that harshness compared to "street" pot. And the taste of the nutes will be more prevalent with chemical nutes too. Flushing 2 weeks before harvest is more than enough time to "clean" the medium you are using to grow in. The 50% opaque trich formula is just about the right "time" to start a flush if you are doing it. If you want to have a little fun, get some flavor oils and put it in the watering solution (Anice, Orange, bubble gum etc...a lot of flavors available) you use to do the flushing. DON'T USE TOO MUCH! That was my first mistake. You don't want a "flavor" to overwhelm the taste of the pot.

Good luck and grown on brother in hemptitude...have fun and don't worry so much about your grow being "perfect". Remember, it's a weed after all, kinda hard to screw up totally. :weed::leaf::joint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:Mmmmmm, Ganja gooooood.

BTW, a rep up would be nice if you have the urge. And to you Pipe Dream, thanks for the rep up. You weren't off by much anyway.
No way to tell strain from the pics...sorry. But the harvest time is best told by the color of the trichomes as pipe dream said. But there should be a minimum of 70% amber colored trichs. Pay no attention to the "hairs" as they give you false information if you try to harvest from their color. It isn't as accurate as the trichs. I have attached a picture of a magnifier they sell at Radio Shack. It's a 60-100 X lighted magnifier they sell for about $21.95. The trichs start out clear, then go opaque and THEN go amber. Once you see about 50% amber, there is approximately 1-2 weeks left before you harvest. Good luck. Actually, it's referred to as a microscope at Radio Shack.
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2179604 12.09 online


Well-Known Member
Wow, THAT price really came down:wall:. I didn't even think about ordering on line:dunce:, I bought it at the sore:finger:. It was still worth the money;-) when I bought it about a year ago for $21.95...I wonder if I can get the difference back?:confused: Nah, didn't think so:cuss:.