take multiple clones from the whole branch


Well-Known Member
Contributed by: MeasureG
Submitted: 05-02-2003

Most folks (including me) take only main growing tips as cuttings, but occasions arise when you want to preserve the maximum number of growing tips on the mother plant. Sometimes it is better to remove only one complete branch and make it into multiple clones. Occasionally, while training a plant, you will break off a branch. Here's a way to turn that branch into multiple clones.

Just as an aside, I discovered this technique when my knife slipped, and I cut across a node instead of trimming off the leaf and secondary growing tip at that node. I was surprised when the bottom half rooted faster than the main growing tip.

According to several sources, cuttings taken from below the main growing tip will usually root faster (and in my observation better) due to lower nitrogen levels and higher carbohydrate levels. I also find the stiffer woody stems from lower on a branch easier to deal with than soft green ones near the tip.

The smaller secondary growing tips will take a bit longer to develop into full fledged plants, but they will have a great set of roots to do it with.

Cut off the main growing tip by making a 45 degree cut through the main stem just above a node and prepare it as you normally would.

Cut up the remainder of the branch by making a succession of cuts through the nodes at 45 degree angles. You will end up with a bunch of short stems with a 45 degree cut at the top and the bottom, and a leaf and growing tip near the upper edge of the top cut.

If the cutting is too long to fit entirely inside your cloning medium, trim the bottom end of the cutting.

Holding the cutting by the leaf stem (petiole), scrape away some of the outer layer of the stem tissue to expose some phloem (the white tissue underneath). Dip the whole stem into your cloning gel or rooting hormone, be sure to cover both the bottom and the top cuts. Avoid getting any on the growing tip.

Insert the stem into the cloning medium, you may need to open up the hole in the rockwool or latex plug a bit first.

Use a sterile tool (a chopstick, q-tip stem, etc) to push on the top of the stem to push it inside the cloning medium. The leaf may tilt up as the stem goes inside the medium.


Well-Known Member
No shit? Thanks for the tip, this changes my whole plan for the summer, or should I say it "increases" my plans for this summer.


Active Member
Shouldn't you redip the stem in water after shaving the stem then dip the clone in rooting hormone? The reason i ask i heard have heard that air pockets can form and block water uptake for the clone. Is this true?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i cut in open air use jell and strait into wool

cut in open air
2 nodes equals one clone
root tone or olvias gel
wilt spray

dome (sometimes)

99% cloning success... 100 - 500 clones per journey

NOW is the only moment you have... enjoy every breath and never let ANGER TAKE YOU OVER..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello dearest MOGIE!

I love it when you address me personally. It feels like it did when I was in the second grade and I was teachers pet! :) LOL

Vita Grow Anti-Wilt Spray

this stuff.. and I dilute the shit outta of it... I make it last forever.... I dilute about 14-1 although the bottle says 7-1 ... :) el cheapo!

it is god send.. the first time i used it I could not believe the results.. the plants(cuttings) don't show any signs of wilting (NONE, NADA, ZERO).... it's like they got sprayed with wax.. LOL
