taken clones in flower, i gota kill one :(


Well-Known Member
well this realy sucks i planted 10 seeds,

i kept t2 in small cups to and in veg to be moms

i put theother 8 in 5 gallon pots and budded

i am now day 11 of flower, there is already small buds forming, this grow is going so fast and good,

i got 7 females outa the 8 i flowered
and NO ROOM in closet :( !!!

so yea i have to kill a perfectly, and i stress the "perfectly" healthy plant cuz i have no room for 7, i hope that i can finesh the 6 without haven to chop another

these things are getten big, not just tall but fuqen wide cuz of how i topped them

so anyway i know its not the right way but, im 11 days into flower if i take close from the one im killing and put them in water under 24, and veg them slow under floros for like 2 months, will that flower ok??

or does taken clones in flower then regening them make then hermie when u bud???


Well-Known Member
well this realy sucks i planted 10 seeds,

i kept t2 in small cups to and in veg to be moms

i put theother 8 in 5 gallon pots and budded

i am now day 11 of flower, there is already small buds forming, this grow is going so fast and good,

i got 7 females outa the 8 i flowered
and NO ROOM in closet :( !!!

so yea i have to kill a perfectly, and i stress the "perfectly" healthy plant cuz i have no room for 7, i hope that i can finesh the 6 without haven to chop another

these things are getten big, not just tall but fuqen wide cuz of how i topped them

so anyway i know its not the right way but, im 11 days into flower if i take close from the one im killing and put them in water under 24, and veg them slow under floros for like 2 months, will that flower ok??

or does taken clones in flower then regening them make then hermie when u bud???
11-days into flower is nothing...yeah clone away....always a chance to hermie pending the strains weaknesses.......wont have to wait 2-months to flower those clones either



Well-Known Member
well thay growing like crazy still, i think i might have to kill 2 more and only do 4

my room is 5 ft by 4.5 foot

but all 6 are in 5 gal pots and growing into each other so there no room between plants for air to move

will it be fine to bud them like that? or will i get mold from the plants being to close for air to get in there, there in a closet , but the closet door is wide open with a box fan blowing on them,, i just worry cuz thay all grow there branches out into each other, i got be carefull to pull them apart when i take them out to water,

and then getting the mall to fit back in is crazy hard.

man it just sux i dont wana kill anymore


Well-Known Member
well thay growing like crazy still, i think i might have to kill 2 more and only do 4

my room is 5 ft by 4.5 foot

but all 6 are in 5 gal pots and growing into each other so there no room between plants for air to move

will it be fine to bud them like that? or will i get mold from the plants being to close for air to get in there, there in a closet , but the closet door is wide open with a box fan blowing on them,, i just worry cuz thay all grow there branches out into each other, i got be carefull to pull them apart when i take them out to water,

and then getting the mall to fit back in is crazy hard.

man it just sux i dont wana kill anymore
how far along are you? if its not too late lollipop them.....then they can stay pot to pot and will have a SOG set up, or at least close to it.....you will retain the air flow under the canopy.....



Well-Known Member
I weave plants together while growing, why can't you water them where they are? They're not on a platform over a drip tray?