Takin Care Of Business A Prize Winning Journal


Well-Known Member
Welcome, First off I am Bud, been growin for a number of years. My Goal in making this thread is to publish this material here at Rollitup & SeeMoreBuds
I am not sure what goes into the BEST journal, but i am going to make it tough to beat.

My Rules:
If you keep the posts relevant to the grow they will remain a part of this thread. I dont want people to have to go hundreds of pages reading nothing.
Thats All!

I have alot of projects and goals with this journal. Besides this journal i have alot of other things happening. I will try not to let the other rooms crowd this grow.

In reality should have named this grow Doomed from the start, as I imagine I will likey get every kind of bug and pest. I have to baddle this all the time, in fact I bring in most of the pests I have to kill. Reguardless we will cover it all.

There is no grow room setup here everything is in place. I will spend some time covering the rooms hardware. But we will skip all the plastic, trays and such.

Here We Grow...


Well-Known Member
Ok First and foremost, I will be using soil, I always add more aeration using pro mix and perlite. However with these seedlings I want more moisture retention. These plants will be in smaller pots for sexing, less soil, or media means they dry out fast. I will add extra oxygen to overcome the droopy appearence in veg.

Below is the media i will be using.

For the Seedlings i will use 1 quart Containers
for sexing and Transition i will use 2 gallon
and for final flower 3.5 gallon pots.



Active Member
No nonsense/in ya face ;) Like this journal already. I'll be slumped in a corner somewhere following along. I may grunt occasionally! Wish ya luck :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Now for this journal, I want to keep it small, These plants being all F1 and all from seed will likely get very tall. It is nearly impossible to veg a plant to maturity then flower and not have it become a monster. Another Fact in coming from seed is massive increase in
bud sites. None of these plants will be topped or bent. i need to see all the traits, and carefully examine the differences. After we rid the grow of males we will determine how agressive to get in cloning.

Some real challenges in this grow is that i will be growing 4 new strains that all use food and mature differently, All 4 of these will be grown together making it a bit more tricky.
This will likely lead to overfeeding, or underfeeding. It would be much easier to use a strain or plant i know well, however that is another area, I have a desire to produce some new mothers and new flavors.

Let go over the strains then we will talk about foods


Well-Known Member
damn bud you still havent finished the monster and you startin somethig else

i have been in and out of the hospital, i am recovered, i have the monster, and more media for it. however, i hear for a little extra work, they are going to HOOK me up with goodies. I really wanted a grow that informs, the monster is so broken up. this is a clean start to these plants, the monster thread will cover all the bud porn outside of here.

If you have been reading that one you know there are a few trays a month+ in flower, and a few others 10 days back. So we can all jump back and forth.

Dont you want to see what i am growing in here?????


Well-Known Member
Ok so we know the pots, and the media, let me talk about why i use this method.

When I first started growing, I used what ever soil was in stock. i think the first bag was miracle grow. no matter what brand i found, no matter the price they all seemed like BARK and MULCH. I tried to add this and that...... But it just stayed too dry or too wet.

I went to a hydroponics shop and finally found Foxfarms. It was the best soil i have found, however about 12 months ago the mix changed, it holds more water now and really makes it easy to over water, this is why i add products like perlite and promix.

But with the seedlings they start in small pots becuase its a long road to maturity from seed, and small pots are good for small plants. But too long in the small pots and expect small fruits. I found less aeration in the quart makes the major part of the root mass hold more moisture. Once it moves to the next pot it gets a layer of Highly aerated soil.
And if it proves to be a female it will get one last repot with lightly aerated soil. This mix sould make it possible to water every other day in late veg and flower. This should work good for journal updates.

The only draw back is that the seedlings will take about a week longer, and will likely seem to appear over watered alot.

So during these seedlings vegatative period i will add oxygen to the water to perk up the babies.



Well-Known Member
Lets go over the food.

Part of the challenge of this grow is that I have never grown 3 of these strains. Not having a idea of how hearty the plants are leaves me at a disadvantage. I have lots of additives and goodies to feed them, however i need to test the waters so to speak.

In this journal i will use 2 different foods At one time. Half of the plants one brand the other half another brand. This is one of my projects. So if it wasnt hardbeforehere is another bump.

let me show you the products i have available, and what options i have.

So for this soil grow. We I will feed fox farm line

And the other Soil line will be Pure blend Pro Soil



Well-Known Member
I had Good Results using the foxfarm line in the past. I feel they have altered the mix. i find a desire to add so much extra crap. So let me show you some of my other supplies.

So with the Foxfarm i add extra Calcium and Magnesium Because i use RO water.
I have adopted the Sweet brand over Cal Mag Solely for the taste Sweet adds.

A good water soluable Ripner is key to bulking.

These things are loaded with salts, so make sure you water well and flush well to aviod burning the leaves that make your fruita swell.

i also use less potient less salty boosters



Well-Known Member
Aside from the foods, i have micro nutes and speciality products

Some of these are bushmaster and purplemaxx and green fuse bloom stimulator

The bushmaster stops the plant from getting taller, i have used this product in the past.
it works, often TOO well Use at 1/2 power MAX. i used once and my plants were like lowryder2 i used a little too much.

Now another product Purplemaxx , this is a early/late flowering additive designed to help keep internode spacing tigher when you plants tend to get "leggy" Some strains they claim it causes purpling



Well-Known Member
One last thing Before the seeds and plants is the PH, you can buy the best food but, dont ph the water food mix and you can lock up that expensive food.

i also think PPm meters are very important.
i will use 2 ph pens to ensure accurate readings, if you use pens and meters make sure you calibrate them weekly.



Well-Known Member
One last thing to touch on, is the cloning, i gave up on rockwool after using these starter plugs. Now i want to see what cloning product works the best. I like fast...
but i really want thick healthly roots, we will put 3 common cloning products against each other.

here are the plugs i place cutting in



Well-Known Member
While i clone i need to spray and keep humidity very high, When doing this for extended periods i will add a product like hydroguard to inhibit molds and bacteria


Well-Known Member
good start.looks like you have all the rite gear.

Starting is the easy part, its keeping a close eye on things, and making sure you dont screw up a good thing, having all these goodies usually leads to feeding issues stay tuned.

while we are on this these are the food schedules for my foods



Well-Known Member
Now dont let these charts tell you when to flip or harvest, use them as more of a guideline, We will follow the food charts and log the ppm. this will help us learn what the strains will handle.

people here and elsewhere tend to stamp a 60 day flower, how many poeple gew top 44 or ak 48 claiming 44- 50 days, Dont even start to put a time on it, watch the buds and learn the peak for each plant.

ok Without further delay here is what i am growing in this journal



Well-Known Member
i am also adding one new strain i bred last year, SnowPea Snow white mother PPP mother :) They should be 100% Female. We will see it they are stable, as i have 5. i sent out a few packs of these to a few members here, we will see how the reviews end up.

The purple widow is for the outdoors, We will try about 30 outdoor plants this summer, i hope to flower some mothers first to clone the best mother only. since its only feb, i have enough time to evulate this strain, and detirmine the best mother.

The hash plant, is for me, i want a dramatic change in smoke, hashplant also claims 40 something days flower!

The Mazar is for a Breeding project for BSIv2.0 and myself. We are crossing these to Blueberry for a varitey called SKYWALKER. So from these i need 2 Females and 1 male.

Lastly the sensi star is a substitution. i have no real info on this strain other than its a cup winner. I wanted a hindu kush skunk but this was the "upgrade". it appears to be another white strain, i have flooded the market with white last year so i hope this Star will shine


Well-Known Member
i try to stick with one vegg food, and one flower food. i also use pk13/14,and a bit of super thrive.

Yes but.... i have so many extras because as i stated its OVERKILL, honestly becuse i regularly grow so many strains at one time i over feed and burn and under feed others, its mayhem, After the afids chew my roots i need EXTRA nitro only, or PK only. A common late flowering problem i have is flushing too early. one strain is done and 3 others are not, yet i tend to feed all the same.

A recipe for disaster, i will spend EXTRA detail as on PPM and PH
i will show you how i load and lock nutes with the ph. But Before this can happen i need to Germinate