taking 7 grams of shrooms


Active Member
i got the same going this weekend, we got a O of some golden teachers... havent tripped in like 6 years... we also got a few Gs of molly :)


i havent tried g.t. yet but im sure it can be has potent has any other cube if grown right. good luck trippin man


naww they just open it and and force the truth into your head and some people can't deal with that.

lol ok... last time i tripped they were my own shrooms they were p.e.s.h. or pacific exotica spores hawaii. i ate 60 wet grams right off the casing!!! thats like the same has 6 dry grams!!!! i tripped soo hard that at one point i got real hot and sweating bullits, and i could have sworm my boy passed out with a lit cigg in the crib, and the house burnt down has we were tripping and we now dead ands waiting to be judged by god!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats how fucked up i was!!!


Well-Known Member
lol ok... last time i tripped they were my own shrooms they were p.e.s.h. or pacific exotica spores hawaii. i ate 60 wet grams right off the casing!!! thats like the same has 6 dry grams!!!! i tripped soo hard that at one point i got real hot and sweating bullits, and i could have sworm my boy passed out with a lit cigg in the crib, and the house burnt down has we were tripping and we now dead ands waiting to be judged by god!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats how fucked up i was!!!

yeah you came out ok lol


yeah it was hot that night i was living on the bottom floor and we had the heat at like 83 we couldnt controll it man it came from the floors and shit, and this was last january


Well-Known Member
7 grams at a halloween party? im sure you learned a valuable lesson last night didnt you?


Well-Known Member
Okay, this is basically what happened, I ate 7.2 grams of shrooms, and my girlfriend ate 2.5 grams of shrooms. I have only done shrooms twice before, once two years ago and that was only 2 grams of hydro, and I just thought of weird things, didn't really trip.. So then I got 4 grams a month or so ago and I didnt trip, but my friend blamed it on the 2ce I did the night before and that afternoon, and he said that my mind wasn't prepared for a shroom trip after I did all that. So here I was Halloween day, and I ate the shrooms with my girlfriend and she decided to get her evil nurse outfit on, while I did not dress up as I am not the festive type. My friends picked me and her up and drove us to my friends house to wait for some people to come so we could find out where the party was at. While we were in the car I started feeling really weird and started laughing hysterically, and my girlfriend started freaking out and she said asked me if there were musquitos in the car, and I told her no, and she said she just squished one and there was blood on her shirt, but there actually was blood on her shirt but it was just part of her evil nurse costume. I explained to her that she was hallucinating and that was just the beginning. I never really started TRIPPING, I felt the shrooms and would have fits of laughter and feel weird but I never saw anything and nothing looked different, I was tripping somewhat, but not NEARLY as strong as my girlfriend, I would say she was tripping at LEAST 10x harder than me. I figure that I have an extremely abnormally high tolerance to shrooms or something, and I really shouldn't buy shrooms anymore, unless I grow them myself, since its a waste of money. But my girlfriend at one point said she felt non-existant, and she could see the intentions behind everyone's actions. She was saying some weird shit, and she was being REALLY weird to my friends, like she told my friend that she wanted to fight and she started punching him and he was just playing with her and she got all agressive at one point. She also said she saw the musquitos again, but this time she was playing with them in her hand and they were like little black balls, and she felt like she was tripping too hard and we were walking through the forest and she told me later she felt the shape of the earth and she felt like she was walking on a ball, and she felt one with nature... I've never seen anyone trip that hard before..