Taking a drug to relieve pain v taking that same drug to experience a high


Well-Known Member
The firs time I really thought about this it was one of those moments where you go "yeah.. wtf?".

Why is it that if I have some condition where I receive a prescription from a Dr. for something like vicodin or xanex, society views it as OK to take the drug to suppress the effects of the condition I'm suffering from, but not OK to take the drug recreationally and responsibly to experience the effects it can have on a person?

It's this one little difference, everything else is exactly the same, the only difference is you want to get high instead of suppress pain. You want to have fun with it instead of use it how you're supposed to use it.

Now, I'm not an idiot, I understand the risks of overdosing on drugs. I'm just curious as to how you, personally, think about this?

I have a couple friends who feel like every single 'drug' is bad if it's not prescribed by a doctor or you can get it over the counter, and everything else, like weed or probably even aloe you could grow in your garden is bad.
i feel like people have been successfully using plants to self treat their own conditions forever so why shouldnt someone have the choice as to what they use to feel better or relieve stress or for whatever reason and not be forced to do exactly as a modern medical practitioner tells them
my medical dr. keeps me stocked up in pain meds and antidepresants but i don't use them unless i'm having a really bad day with the pain or when i just want to get a little bit higher than what my smoke will get me. i don't understand the stigma behind it all either...
Because then the government wouldn't have enough control over the industry and wouldn't be able to tax efficently. The world is run by money.
Because often times, the medications can be physically addictive, causing harm to the patient. Doctors also want to prevent abuse by people faking illness to gain access to these drugs.

Also, if you are taking a drug to deal with pain or illness, and start upping the dosage to get high you can build a tolerance to it, making it less effective.

It's just responsible medicine.

I live in an area where prescription drug abuse is growing to an epidemic level. It is ruining people's lives.