Taking clones, does this always happen?


Active Member
So.... when you take a clone the bottom leaves soon die off it and the edges of all the leaves turn a bit yellow until about a week or 2 when the plant springs back?

I have like 6 clones, all of them the very edges of the leaves are yellowing a bit but they still look pretty healthy/ dark green besides the edges, and the bottom most leaf set has died off every clone. This is normal right? Im 4 days in.


Well-Known Member
There's a bunch of ways to clone and you didn't tell anyone anything.. Tell us your lights, the distance away, your temps, cloning method, if using humidity dome give us your practice of spraying and so on. I have some strains that take a long time to root and in that case the leafs will be used for food.. One thing for sure if you have a light to close to a clone it will grow itself to death, soooooo, it is important to commit and ask your questions right.


Yes its normal, at least in my case. You are supposed to cut those lower leaves off since they die off anyways. This also allows the cuttling to put more work into rooting instead of trying to keep the leaves alive. You only need to keep the very top ones and make sure to cut all leaves in half.


Active Member
Yes its normal, at least in my case. You are supposed to cut those lower leaves off since they die off anyways. This also allows the cuttling to put more work into rooting instead of trying to keep the leaves alive. You only need to keep the very top ones and make sure to cut all leaves in half.
As I thought, and yes i been cutting the tips, I watched quite a few clone vids.

As for MeJuana I am vegging under 20/4 600 watt HPS (My MH burned out last week, ordered one off ebay still not here) Temps steady around 25-28 C, I cut clones on angle dipped in rooting gel and put straight into rockwool cube. I foliar spray all my plants 2-3 times a day.
These clones are in with my other plants, here's a pic, I have clones scattered around right now.

nov 17.jpg

I took 2 clones off each mother plant which I hope to use to sex the plant.

Also ill mention that I will be moving the clones to a plain water tub once I see some roots forming, just so they don't get burned up by the nute solution.


Well-Known Member
For me,,, that's just way, way too much light too soon.
If you can't cut the light down, give them some shade. Indirect lighting works much better for me when cloning.


Indirect lighting works for me too ,i have a 400 watt mh for veg/cloning ,,,,,i just set them in a dome in the corner of the closet,always root.


Active Member
For me,,, that's just way, way too much light too soon.
If you can't cut the light down, give them some shade. Indirect lighting works much better for me when cloning.

Cool, ill tuck them under the mothers i suppose.


Well-Known Member
Not being a hydo guy, so I really don't know, but need to ask...

Are they presently in a nute solution of sorts?
Why go to plain water after roots form?

I'm not knocking it because I honestly don't know. But if you go to plain water and the plants are rooted and ready to go, where's it get the building materials from to grow with if the water is plain?

I'm thinking of trying a small hydro of sorts for experimental reasons. I'm learning that's why I'm asking. Thanks.


Active Member
Not being a hydo guy, so I really don't know, but need to ask...

Are they presently in a nute solution of sorts?
Why go to plain water after roots form?

I'm not knocking it because I honestly don't know. But if you go to plain water and the plants are rooted and ready to go, where's it get the building materials from to grow with if the water is plain?

I'm thinking of trying a small hydro of sorts for experimental reasons. I'm learning that's why I'm asking. Thanks.

Hydro grows so fast! But you have to keep an eye on your plants in case they show signs of deficiency or stress. My first time and so far I've already had heat stress and a magnesium deficiency (brown spots on leaves) . Its all good now, rapid growth.

I was afraid that my clones may burn up if they root in these tubs which are using a full strength dosage. Maybe I'll give them a lighter strength until they show deficiency signs.


Well-Known Member
I kind of knew it was the too much light syndrome right away I get the dying leafs but that is way soon. I have a 120w 4 feet fluorescent fixture that partially covers my cloner at about 2.5 feet away.. I have had lots of experience killing clones least you got on it right away. Need them to focus on the root system and for that you need low light.


Active Member
I kind of knew it was the too much light syndrome right away I get the dying leafs but that is way soon. I have a 120w 4 feet fluorescent fixture that partially covers my cloner at about 2.5 feet away.. I have had lots of experience killing clones least you got on it right away. Need them to focus on the root system and for that you need low light.

Ya man, hmm I do have another closet which i have 4-23watt cfl's 6500 k over my 9 new seedlings, I should probably move the clones into there, would u think that is too much light?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it would be good just some light but not a lot. My light is the end of a 4 feet 120w 6 bulb fluoro at about 2.5 feet I can make out the details of the leaf if I look at it, but it isn't bright nothing is standing out.


Well-Known Member
i have done allot of research on cloning and i can tell you this right now cloning in rockwool is allot harder than a rapid rooter plug just tried cloning in rockwool this time always used rapid rooter plugs in the past tried to cut them out and it didnt work so i went back to rapid rooters the rock wools take in allot of water witch is bad for clones causes stem swelling and stem rot but usually none of the leaves on my clones yellow or fall off until they have some roots the roots need water so thats how i can tell they are rooted and ready for hydro


Active Member
i have done allot of research on cloning and i can tell you this right now cloning in rockwool is allot harder than a rapid rooter plug just tried cloning in rockwool this time always used rapid rooter plugs in the past tried to cut them out and it didnt work so i went back to rapid rooters the rock wools take in allot of water witch is bad for clones causes stem swelling and stem rot but usually none of the leaves on my clones yellow or fall off until they have some roots the roots need water so thats how i can tell they are rooted and ready for hydro
Very good I heard this before, ill have to order some of those! Good news though, 3/6 clones are showing roots out the bottoms of the rockwool. The others look good and perky!

Im taking 2 clones every week, hope to have a harvest every week after about 12 weeks. Thats the plan.


Well-Known Member
very nice perpetual grow this is where im trying to get as we speak if you are getting that good of luck with the rock wools man you will have a 100% with the plugs you dont have a hydro store where you can pick these up i get them from mine glad to hear you are getting good hits with the rockwool though.


Active Member
very nice perpetual grow this is where im trying to get as we speak if you are getting that good of luck with the rock wools man you will have a 100% with the plugs you dont have a hydro store where you can pick these up i get them from mine glad to hear you are getting good hits with the rockwool though.

Thanks, I'm not there yet either! these are my first set of clones, i took 2 clones each from 3 of my larger plants, one to sex the plant (once rooted placing under 12 hr light), the other to grow into another plant.

Id say those plugs will be even faster to root, can't wait to try them.

Here are some pics of my closet grow, the clones are showing a little nute burn so i added them to my seedling tub, i also took new clones from each plant today (7 total) labeled them a b c d e f g... F and G are Female clones from 2 female cloned plants.

The clones which have rooted were taken Nov 13th, so it took roughly 7-10 days to root.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm not there yet either! these are my first set of clones, i took 2 clones each from 3 of my larger plants, one to sex the plant (once rooted placing under 12 hr light), the other to grow into another plant.

Id say those plugs will be even faster to root, can't wait to try them.

Here are some pics of my closet grow, the clones are showing a little nute burn so i added them to my seedling tub, i also took new clones from each plant today (7 total) labeled them a b c d e f g... F and G are Female clones from 2 female cloned plants.

The clones which have rooted were taken Nov 13th, so it took roughly 7-10 days to root.
nice grow man my clones in rockwool took forever to root with the rooter plugs some root in 3-5 days some take a little longer but never usually more than 7 days here is a pic of my 11 out of 20 that survived in the rockwool and another pic a week after finally rooting and in a system and my donor mom three weeks into flower got the clones into flower now and 15 more in rooter plugs about ready to go



Well-Known Member
Baby them along This Is a Fragile stressful time for them ...Not every clone Lives ...roots take from a week or two to form During Which time the last resources (nitrogen and such) from the leaves will be drawn out to carry on life processes some yellowing or wilting of the lower leaves first is pretty common


Active Member
nice grow man my clones in rockwool took forever to root with the rooter plugs some root in 3-5 days some take a little longer but never usually more than 7 days here is a pic of my 11 out of 20 that survived in the rockwool and another pic a week after finally rooting and in a system and my donor mom three weeks into flower got the clones into flower now and 15 more in rooter plugs about ready to go

Very clean setup man! Are those temp sensors on the 2 tubs? Are you using rapid rooter plugs with hydroton there? (pic 2)


Active Member
Baby them along This Is a Fragile stressful time for them ...Not every clone Lives ...roots take from a week or two to form During Which time the last resources (nitrogen and such) from the leaves will be drawn out to carry on life processes some yellowing or wilting of the lower leaves first is pretty common

Would you reccomend watering the clones with a mild "grow & micro" solution? Also should the rockwool be touching the water?

Also, I am trying to root another clone in a net pot with the stem protruding through the bottom and hovering just above the water. Using rooter gel. This should work too ya think? Id like to see how long it takes.