Taking Clones from plants in flowering

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Got a quick question for you vets out there.

I want to start taking clones but I fear I've waited too long. My girls are about 2 weeks into flowering and I'd like to take some clones.

Am I too late?

If I'm not how should I go about it? In so far as lighting etc. Take them back to 18/6, is that okay?



Active Member
Take clone as usual and set lighting for 24/0 to force back to vegetative stage. Once rooted you're good to grow.


Well-Known Member
youll be ok if your only two weeks in. just take from the lower, less unformed from the bottom of the plant. it will be ok.
how big is the plant. any pics.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I appreciate YOU!

Crazy, yes there are some brand new pics from this morning on my grow journal, follow the link in my signature.

Thanks again.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
No they are in the big black pots, 2 gallons. The 'greenies' are my veggys and the ones just into the flowering room. I don't transplant to the 2 gal until they show, hated wasting a ton of soil.


Active Member
I have had success doing what you asked, but it is better to clone before flowering. It supposedly lowers the thc content of the clones........

Perfect example is the ice plant i had. I flowered it, cut all the big buds off it when it was done, then vegged it again. After about a month i got new growth, cut 2 more cycles worth of clones off it and they all grew well and budded just fine. I could not tell the difference at all.


Active Member
I have had success doing what you asked, but it is better to clone before flowering. It supposedly lowers the thc content of the clones........

Perfect example is the ice plant i had. I flowered it, cut all the big buds off it when it was done, then vegged it again. After about a month i got new growth, cut 2 more cycles worth of clones off it and they all grew well and budded just fine. I could not tell the difference at all.
Interesting, how long did you veg it in between flowering cycles? This would SEEM to be a better way than starting fresh again from clones every time, and let you get a real good sea of green going with harvesting able to be done every two weeks or so. Any of the old-timers have any experience doing this, or does it really drop the quality on the second and third flowering like I've heard before?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

I went ahead and took clones from 3 of the 4 females two from each for a total of 6. Unfortunately I also did some calculating rather than guest-imating and their time table looks like this:

I count 2 weeks of 'seedling' stage
Then they 'vegged' until going into flowering 12/12 on 11-12, so about 5 weeks vegging?
So they are actually 5 weeks into flowering!

don't know how successful this will be but what's done is done and I will keep you updated in my grow journal....there is a link in my signature.


Well-Known Member
but when cloneing from flowering plants dont you have to cut the buds and most of the leafs off.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I was able to find some new growth at the bottom that didn't really have buds or colas yet. I did cut the leaves off except the toppers. Guess we'll see what happens.