taking meds and smoke


hi all i have a question i take blood pressure meds and itching meds ( i break out in hives for no reason) and also i take ADD pills well it's like $22 for all those and i wonder i can get a bag for $25 and that last a hold 2 weeks and every 2 weeks me and my hubby gets more so i wonder if i stop taking my pills and buy weed instead will the weed act like the meds?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Are you asking if weed will lower your blood pressure,block histamine response and treat your attention deficit disorder?

Short answer...I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Thats expecting a bit much off a herb... It does help with ADD if you use your time, mind and attention right but thats just MO. Also strain and dose dependant.

But hey, it will work a treat to get you down off those ADD pills, stop that twitching yo :D

Also bud can be medical in the way that it will stop stress, for example if your blood pressure is due to high levels of stress it might help a bit. But I belive MJ increases blood pressure when your high on it?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't stop any medication without talking to my Doctor first. Weed can replace hunger inibitin pills anytime and as other excellent medical property but it won't cure every disease you can get


Well-Known Member
It could... but it probably won't. Especially the hives, I don't see any reason that would work, or the blood pressure.

I think it would be irresponsible for anyone to advice that it would be a good idea to get off your meds and just smoke weed instead.

EDIT: unless they were your doctor.