Seems you have the same problem.
How do I get my boyfriend to quit hanging around assholes
like that?
Its the same dude I mentioned earlier.
We hadn't heard from this guy for weeks, then my hubby decides
to smoke him out cause he just harvested.
After that he was calling EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Omg, it was so annoying.
And its so annoying that his "friend" doesn't even realize
every time he wants my bf to go to his house, it costs like 5 bucks
in gas. Its a 30 mile round trip and this asshole is smoking my
boyfriends chronic every other day for free?!

But when he had his first harvest he didn't even so much as
CALL my boyfriend to invite him to smoke.
I dunno, but I don't like his friends. They're idiots. I don't
think there's anything wrong with suggesting he get
new friends that don't treat him like shit.
Its like, why hang around with guys who:
1. Tell you you're stupid for offering them valuable growing advice
2. Don't take your advice, then get shitty yields and wonder why
3. Mooch off of you every chance they get to smoke your bud for free
4. Ask for 3 fronts and never pay back fully
5. Break your pipes and never pay back or even replace it
6. Take advice from other people who haven't even grown before
OMG, I seriously don't like this guy. Please someone give me some advice
to get my boyfriend away from this guy.
His stupidity annoys me. I could go on all day....