Tall plant


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Plant look really bad in all the photos.Light is way to far.Need to set light just about touching leaves to stop that stretching or it will be weak and fall over.


Active Member
man you are stretching that poor plant way too much... Right now the most important thing is to strengthen your stem... that will be like the back bone of your plant


Well-Known Member
They told you. Keep them propped but have a fan pointed at them. If that doesnt work you may have to give your baby crutches.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
It depends on how much it blows the plant. If its making the plants tip over sideways on high then put it on med or low. Just a little wind.


Well-Known Member
Thanks blunt,

It might be a bit dicey trying to save it but stick it through and there is no shame in using say a section of vine fence and training your plant to weave through it.

Think of growing pot as an art form.


Well-Known Member
Yes, your plant is going to die. You need to get some better lighting. I'm guessing you are on a budget, so go to Home Depot, Lowes, or WalMart and get CFL's. Get the highest watts you can. They are no more than $10. Get 3 and keep them about an inch away from the plant. It's gonna be hard to save that one...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I would have to go with a zero or lower as everything you have is pretty much wrong and wasting money and time.I doubt the plant lives too long before it keels over and breaks.The lights are doing nothing you spent more on those then 1 shop light which woul have been alot better then those but still a low quality lighting solution.You might as well just harvest it now and smoke it as thats about as much as you ll get with that setup...sorry