Why don’t you want to talk about how you follow Hispanic people around the grocery store anymore?If Im going down the Mexican food isle at the grocery store, Im not gonna approach any white people and ask for help. Statistically, its a bad gamble that they have any more a clue than I about what all those sticks, powders and wrinkled up something or others are used for.
But oh rasiszums!!!
When Shrub sat in the oval office, I was concerned about our democracy too. Not because of Bush. Cheney and Rumsfeld were not friends to freedom. Bush just wanted to sit in the office and be the decider.U know had jeb or graham won, sure we would be bitching about the policy and such, both sides of course do that when the other party gets in... but by God i could have rested well at night knowing potus wasnt dismantling our democracy! Hell i wouldnt even realize i wasnt worried about it, cuz it wouldnt have crossed my mind... this shits unreal... very interested if our democracy survives how history will tell of this period and how it will define and explain Trumpism
In the 1930's. You know anyone east of the Caucasus was viewed with trepidation. Greeks, Italians and all those Serbs. No way those guys were white back in the day.Where?
I think 45's problem is old fashioned debt. It was common knowledge he was getting money from Russian oligarchs to finance his deals in the 90's. I think he is into them for some serious change.. . . . . . . .On the other hand, I didn't worry about the country being run by idiots who would do deals with Russia. Cheney and Rummy were anti-democratic but they weren't subject to blackmail pee tapes or whatever has put Trump's nuts in Putin vise.
That too.I think 45's problem is old fashioned debt. It was common knowledge he was getting money from Russian oligarchs to finance his deals in the 90's. I think he is into them for some serious change.
You may have them a bit mixed up;In the 1930's. You know anyone east of the Caucasus was viewed with trepidation. Greeks, Italians and all those Serbs. No way those guys were white back in the day.
In the 1930's. You know anyone east of the Caucasus was viewed with trepidation. Greeks, Italians and all those Serbs. No way those guys were white back in the day.
Why don’t you want to talk about how you follow Hispanic people around the grocery store anymore?
Why do you follow Hispanic people around the grocery store?We can talk about whatever you want bucky. You go first.
QAnon is more than a collection of crazies. It’s a targeted PSYOP designed to discredit USG while creating a personality cult around tRUmp. And it’s not just Russia behind it; Beijing is, too. They’re projecting tRUmp’s crimes so they’re less shocking to his base when exposed.
3:28 AM - 3 Aug 2018
That's a frighteningly tempting thought.It is another step in theocracizing Trumpism... these folks at some point would be willing to truly drink koolaid if uncle trump asked..some are there already more are following like heards of walkers
Why do you follow Hispanic people around the grocery store?
Remember when your buddy and fellow homicidal white supremacist red1966 told that story about following a black family home from the grocery store?I thought it was Mexicans you claimed I follow?
I wouldn't follow a Hispanic around if I was looking for advice down the Mexican food isle. They could of been born in Brooklyn and raised by Canadian foster parents who migrated from Ireland for all I know.