Tan dots and BLACK STREAKS. WTF is it?


Well-Known Member
I have two seedling plants. They are about 3 weeks old. I dont know what straint they are, just some seeds I found laying around. I am keeping them under constant light, I put them outside during the day in the sun then back under CFLs in the evening till morning. I have grown before in the past but ended up just giving the plants away because I wasnt able to show them as much attention as was required. But I have never saw this before. To explain it, there is little black squigly lines that look like what I would compare to Etch a Sketch lines, surounded by what looks like discolored plasma. It is just on the top of the leaf, no visible damage on bottom of leaf. It destroyed one tip so I cut it off so it wouldnt attract more pests. Not only do I need to know what it is but how do I fix it????



Active Member
It certainly looks like it could be a pest problem (from a few different kinds of critters, actually, by the different patterns of damage on the leaves), sure you haven't seen any eggs on the underside of the leaves or anything? Especially when they're exposed outside, that could attract pests, and if you then bring them inside with the soil not sufficiently dry, perfect breeding grounds. What's your set-up like inside, you have good ventilation going?

Also, constant light is doable, but getting some rest promotes growth, as well.


Well-Known Member
I took an entertainment center and kept the cabnet side that would hold stereo equipment and dvd player or whatever. Its cool because the hole stelth setup was pretty much setup I just had to drill a hole to run a wire through the top and cover the glass on the door. I have 6 26 watt CFLs (100 watt equivelent each bulb, 2700 Lumens each) I might have seem some eggs, I dont know but there was tiny, super tiny black specs but maybe only two or three. I just wiped them off with my fingers.