Tangents 4 DWC Blue Cheese

I started 3 cheese moms and took clones of each to sex and determine the best smoke of them aswell(not yet!). I have weeded out cheese #2 cuz it was small and not growing nearly as fast as #1 & #3....But i think #3 is my favor it so i just finished pulling a dozen #3 clones to make a new mom and future harvests.

I am using 5gal bubble buckets with a 6inch airstone. Regular tap water and h2o2 then my Advanced nutrients M-G-B, plus Revive, Organic B, superthrive, and ph down. Oh, and i swear by V.H.O.

here's a pic of my cheese moms when they were just seedlings.


The most recent pics of the best 4 clones. I am still feeding the M-G-B(850ppm) and topping the buckets up every few days along with checking Ph.
Recently had a nute deficiency of some sort, and used a bunch of Revive to help them pull through.

My goal is to let them double the size in height before flowering. Monsters.!!

