
Well-Known Member
off course , but i did it as a last resort .. cause i already had lost 3 week's with almost no grow . all went well with all 4 of them .. lucky me ;)


off course , but i did it as a last resort .. cause i already had lost 3 week's with almost no grow . all went well with all 4 of them .. lucky me ;)
yeah will def keep that in mind here in the next few days though, hopefully don't have to but will see soon enough and post an update, thanks for the help :)


Well-Known Member
Mozarttea, I haven't used HF for a number of years, but remember it being pretty hot with nutrients for seedlings.
I also have never run either of those strains, so I didn't want to just chuck random info to you without experience.
From my experience, I generally don't feed seedlings for about three weeks, but my soil is packed with nutes. Trial and error, brotha. ATB!


Well-Known Member
no no . if you retransplant .. go get some light soil .. i live in the other side of the atlantic so i can't give you names of ones you have there .. but choose a light one...

and if you do , you must try to take out the much dirt as you can out of the roots .. gently ..
Cannabis are like stray weed's they are strong and real survivors .. you will be fine ;)


Mozarttea, I haven't used HF for a number of years, but remember it being pretty hot with nutrients for seedlings.
I also have never run either of those strains, so I didn't want to just chuck random info to you without experience.
From my experience, I generally don't feed seedlings for about three weeks, but my soil is packed with nutes. Trial and error, brotha. ATB!
i haven't put any nutrients in it yet, i do know HF has nutrients tho. do you think they have too many nutrients for the seedlings? i went straight from the seedlings to the HF in 4 gallon pots?


no no . if you retransplant .. go get some light soil .. i live in the other side of the atlantic so i can't give you names of ones you have there .. but choose a light one...

and if you do , you must try to take out the much dirt as you can out of the roots .. gently ..
Cannabis are like stray weed's they are strong and real survivors .. you will be fine ;)
ok, light soil is just regular soil or what do i ask for?


Well-Known Member
a soil with a light fertilization .. some soils are even specific for sprouting or that ones called Universal soil , dunno if u have it that in the states... that would do it .. search for the EC in the bag .. you will want something between 0.6 to 1.2 is ok

PS: adding some extra perlite to the soil wouldn't be a bad idea


how are they doing mozart ? are they recovering ?
still not much growth, the pots are still drying up. I haven't had a chance to go and find light soil, probably this evening or tomorrow morning. Thinking about doing the re transplant this weekend when i have plenty of time to sit down and give the attention they need. any other recommendations? should i mix with some perlite and soil as well?


Well-Known Member
yes of course , add an extra 30% perlite to the soil it will help with the overwatering issue and also will help with root growth for now ... when you transplant to the flowering pots you dont need to go that much on perlite if you dont want .. more perlite means you will water more often. but for now i think your plants will benefit from an extra perlite and aeration on the soil..

Healthy root = healthy plant


Well-Known Member
Look , i had this seedlings last year that was stunted like this for about 3 weeks .. because of a shity soil i bought .. the usual was out of stock
Seedling ...JPG

i got tired of waiting took the all the dirt off and and transplanted it .. after 4 days he start growing and growing .. and ended like this

there's allways hope .. cannabis are very resiliant and strong plants

I hope your ladys recover soon ;)


Look , i had this seedlings last year that was stunted like this for about 3 weeks .. because of a shity soil i bought .. the usual was out of stock
View attachment 3233619

i got tired of waiting took the all the dirt off and and transplanted it .. after 4 days he start growing and growing .. and ended like this
View attachment 3233627

there's allways hope .. cannabis are very resiliant and strong plants

I hope your ladys recover soon ;)
thanks a lot! i have to do some experimenting so i guess the sooner the better haha i will keep you posted on how things go. after you did the retransplant, did they just look the same for 4 days and then after that you saw growth?


Well-Known Member
yes , after you transplant you should have from 4 to 7 days until the roots start growing in its new "home" after the roots are established and start growing you will see growth .. and if it goes well you will be very happy on how they can grow fast as hell ;P

I apreciate you keep me posted , thank you.


just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes..



Well-Known Member
just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes..
I Belive that some of them are in severe N toxicty , you see that Claw Shape leaves ? thats N toxicty , if you let your plants sit on that soil for more time i belive they will die.
Man if you can't find a bag of dirt just go to a near by garden or farm and collect a bit of soil and mix with perlite and take them out of there .. if you let them sit there for too long they will not recover.
You will probably have stray weeds begining to grow if you collect soil from a farm or garden but who cares ? .. you take them off..


Well-Known Member
its just a freking weed .. cannabis dont need a soil designed especially for it self .. thats just marketing bullshit ...
Its plant like any other..


its just a freking weed .. cannabis dont need a soil designed especially for it self .. thats just marketing bullshit ...
Its plant like any other..
yeah i always tell people that it is a weed and it is hard to kill. and i don't even take my own advice sometimes. i will go to the gardeners place today and get some regular soil and mix that with perlite and a little of the happy frog as well? or just dirt and perlite?


just flush next time and go easy on the nitrogen for a week or 2
just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes.. what do you think about the BeastGrow? where would you go from here?



Well-Known Member
flushing doesn't work as you think in fresh soil ... only in satured soil (soil that you are adding nutrients because your plant had already used all the resources of the soil, and when you flush you clean up away any nutrients added) ..in fresh slow sometimes you end up releasing even more nutrients into the roots .. because your soil is fresh and it still have alot of slow releasing nutrients in it ... thats why most soil will cover all your vegetative without needing more ferts ...

Think in this , in gardens you can put a top layer of manure to fertilize your soil .
How does this work ? when you water over that fresh manure you will release nutrients to the soil.
Nutrients contained in manure and fresh soil are not so quickly dissolved as soluble nutrients thats why they can feed your plant for soo long.