
flushing doesn't work as you think in fresh soil ... only in satured soil (soil that you are adding nutrients because your plant had already used all the resources of the soil, and when you flush you clean up away any nutrients added) ..in fresh slow sometimes you end up releasing even more nutrients into the roots .. because your soil is fresh and it still have alot of slow releasing nutrients in it ... thats why most soil will cover all your vegetative without needing more ferts ...

Think in this , in gardens you can put a top layer of manure to fertilize your soil .
How does this work ? when you water over that fresh manure you will release nutrients to the soil.
Nutrients contained in manure and fresh soil are not so quickly dissolved as soluble nutrients thats why they can feed your plant for soo long.
wow thats true, that definitely makes sense. going home a little later and will give you and update on what happens :) thanks Lysergicpt


flushing doesn't work as you think in fresh soil ... only in satured soil (soil that you are adding nutrients because your plant had already used all the resources of the soil, and when you flush you clean up away any nutrients added) ..in fresh slow sometimes you end up releasing even more nutrients into the roots .. because your soil is fresh and it still have alot of slow releasing nutrients in it ... thats why most soil will cover all your vegetative without needing more ferts ...

Think in this , in gardens you can put a top layer of manure to fertilize your soil .
How does this work ? when you water over that fresh manure you will release nutrients to the soil.
Nutrients contained in manure and fresh soil are not so quickly dissolved as soluble nutrients thats why they can feed your plant for soo long.
i was able to get them transplanted into a more stable mix so hopefully we see what happens. hopefully in the next week or so they will start showing some new growth and will post up some pics



i will smoke a joint in blessing to their recovery ;)
thanks a lot @Lysergicpt, everything went well and their isn't much drooping of leaves or ANY movement or growth for that matter. its already been since monday they were transplanted so hoping that they do recover sooner then later but not sure how long they can take till they start showing signs of growth or if i should just pull em and focus on the more health ones?


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot @Lysergicpt, everything went well and their isn't much drooping of leaves or ANY movement or growth for that matter. its already been since monday they were transplanted so hoping that they do recover sooner then later but not sure how long they can take till they start showing signs of growth or if i should just pull em and focus on the more health ones?
dont worry , its normal if they are still working at root level to acomodate to the new "house" any time soon you will see improvement in growth .. since monday its just 4/5 days from now . soon you will see some new growth .
If they still were in the older soil they would be stunted for much much longer than that belive me. be pacient you will see once they start they dont stop ;P


did you took must of the old dirt of the roots ?
ok sounds good, i feel like these ladies are going to take awhile to start. when retransplanted there were already roots at the bottom of the pot surprisingly on every girl except for the one that is suffering the most. tried to get most of the dirt out of the roots but didn't go too crazy as i didn't want to bother them or allow too much light to hit the roots. i really hope they do start to get going soon, I'm afraid i will probably lose one or two the most because they look extremely sad but have been looking like that for sometime now so hopefully the new "home" will make them feel comfortable so they can make a full recovery. how does it affect the end product though? since they were stressed so early they probably will not grow as big or strong or healthy as before?


Well-Known Member
nah ... its ok and you should take almost all the dirt off its no problem in breaking that tiny roots on the bottom of the pot but they will be fine non the less
When they recover and you give them a good vegetative they will be fine in flowering dont worry .
If they are feminized keep a close watch for hermie , it can happen due to stress.. the rest you will be fine ..
Light's can hit the roots with no problem .. just not for too long ..
Some growers even sprout their seeds in dirt and when they are about the size of yours , take it of the pots . wash the roots with water, until there's no dirt left and then put them in their hydro system and they do just fine.
You will see that next week you will be posting here pics , proud of your ladies.


nah ... its ok and you should take almost all the dirt off its no problem in breaking that tiny roots on the bottom of the pot but they will be fine non the less
When they recover and you give them a good vegetative they will be fine in flowering dont worry .
If they are feminized keep a close watch for hermie , it can happen due to stress.. the rest you will be fine ..
Light's can hit the roots with no problem .. just not for too long ..
Some growers even sprout their seeds in dirt and when they are about the size of yours , take it of the pots . wash the roots with water, until there's no dirt left and then put them in their hydro system and they do just fine.
You will see that next week you will be posting here pics , proud of your ladies.
cool thanks for all the good info! yeah i hope so, some are feminized nd others are not so we will see what happens. i would be happy if i was able to keep two of each strain and grow them all he way out so i am gonan roll up and give them some good energy :) you will hear from me soon