Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob


Well-Known Member
Okay youre getting answers from two people and I can already see your head spinning lol Its up to you what kind of feeding schedule you want to use. I personally change my res every week to avoid problems..... i see to many people who run into problems by keeping their rez unchanged for over a week. To each his own I say...... my way works for me...... doesnt mean it will work for everyone.


Rebel From The North
well I run a 55gal res so at 2.5 gal theres little waist at dumping weekly, but a healthy plant can drink up to 1/2 gal to even more a
day so mastering add back is intportant and a ppm pen would make it alot simple


Well-Known Member
well I run a 55gal res so at 2.5 gal theres little waist at dumping weekly, but a healthy plant can drink up to 1/2 gal to even more a
day so mastering add back is intportant and a ppm pen would make it alot simple
I agree with you hellraizer.... but seeing as he lacks a ppm pen im making it as simple as possible. Add back WITHOUT nutes (simple Ph'd water) is pretty easy to deal with.
I agree with you hellraizer.... but seeing as he lacks a ppm pen im making it as simple as possible. Add back WITHOUT nutes (simple Ph'd water) is pretty easy to deal with.
so basicaly I have to suck it up and buy a ppm meter or check ph everyday. What about using store bought distilled water. I can get it for about 40 cents a gallon. I figure thats gotta be better than my crappy tap water. You guys have been great! Thanks for your understanding


Rebel From The North
to simply put this if you dont wont a ppm pen you will have to just do res changed more often, use the lucas furmula i gave you
and use tap water dont worry about ro or distiled water and ph the water, GH nutes have a PH buffer in them its not the best
but it will help keep your ph stable your ph should be adjusted to 5.8 if it still keeps climbing set
your ph at 5.5 to buy you some extra time between res changes


Well-Known Member
got my ppm meter off of ebay for like $25. so its really not too bad. better to spend that little money than to get further along and burn them up with nutes by not having a meter. everything looks fine tho. it seems easier to me to just add back water that is pH'd thru the week then once a week change the res then add more nutes. Versus trying to add nutes in small increments and overdoing it. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Yes store bought distilled water is fine ( I still check the Ph). Just as your girl sucks it up..... replace it....that simple. Then at the week mark mix up a new batch of nutes and repeat. Yes you will use more nute this way but for me its safer.... and I only use a fraction of what they recommend, so it doesnt cost o whole lot and I have yet to run into problems. The only thing I use besides the Lucas formula is Bud Candy for a flavor booster, and there ya have it bud. Hope we were able to answer your questions.
got my ppm meter off of ebay for like $25. so its really not too bad. better to spend that little money than to get further along and burn them up with nutes by not having a meter. everything looks fine tho. it seems easier to me to just add back water that is pH'd thru the week then once a week change the res then add more nutes. Versus trying to add nutes in small increments and overdoing it. hope that helps
All your guy's help has been awesome! One more thing though...I always hear about this "explosive growth" from seedlings. My plant has gotten to this size rather quickly but in 5 or 6 days there doesnt seem to be much more. It has a bunch of little leaves that seem to spring up all over the place but they have stayed relatively small. Seriously...if I'm panicing just tell me to shut up. I just assumed once it took off it stayed taking off. Thanks again my gardening guru's!
P.S. My leaves have been a very pale/light green since day 1. I said before that I bought one of those DIY Co2 generators. I have the tube just above the plant. Its been 24 hours and HOLY CRAP! I dont know if it is at all a coincidence but my leave are WAY darker green....who knows. Let you know how it goes


Well-Known Member
One of the real problems with DWC is exactly what you are experiencing. Tap roots function is to find a water source. Unfortunately, this is at the expense of much needed lateral root development. HPA solves this problem and others specific to low pressure aero systems. hth


Active Member
Plants look fine to me and I have grown Nirvana Bubble in the past, good resin producer i must say! In the start of plants from seed they always are a lil scary looing but keep in mind that is going to be the bottom of the plant and as new growth comes out of the top you wont even worry about the funny looking leaves on the bottom. I started out using DWC but the roots grew so long and the plant grew way to big. Now I flood and drain 3hrs off 20 min on and I get those nice hair roots and that really keeps the plants small with tight buds. I got some Kushberry Special Kush and Special Queen thats going 12/12 this weekend this will be my :weed:4/20bongsmilie celebration :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
One of the real problems with DWC is exactly what you are experiencing. Tap roots function is to find a water source. Unfortunately, this is at the expense of much needed lateral root development. HPA solves this problem and others specific to low pressure aero systems. hth
Sounds important. but what do the abbreviations mean? Can you please traslate what you just said into noob?:dunce:
Plants look fine to me and I have grown Nirvana Bubble in the past, good resin producer i must say! In the start of plants from seed they always are a lil scary looing but keep in mind that is going to be the bottom of the plant and as new growth comes out of the top you wont even worry about the funny looking leaves on the bottom. I started out using DWC but the roots grew so long and the plant grew way to big. Now I flood and drain 3hrs off 20 min on and I get those nice hair roots and that really keeps the plants small with tight buds. I got some Kushberry Special Kush and Special Queen thats going 12/12 this weekend this will be my :weed:4/20bongsmilie celebration :eyesmoke:
Hey Slim, Since you are famillar with this strain.... I started the lucas formula and the plant loves it! I took some new pics and I can notice a huge d004.jpgifference from my first
post! I am using the waterfarm and now that the roots are in the water Do I still have to worry if my Rapid Rooter plug 001.jpggets to wet? I was told by a General Hydro rep to let the bucket drip 24/7 but he doesnt know what I'm growing either. Also, how long did you fl002.jpgower the Bubblelicious? Its Almost 4 weeks now from seed and I figure I'll give it about a week to flip to 12/12. Good luck with your Kushberry!003.jpg


Rebel From The North
Hey Slim, Since you are famillar with this strain.... I started the lucas formula and the plant loves it! I took some new pics and I can notice a huge dView attachment 1437163ifference from my first
post! I am using the waterfarm and now that the roots are in the water Do I still have to worry if my Rapid Rooter plug View attachment 1437162gets to wet? I was told by a General Hydro rep to let the bucket drip 24/7 but he doesnt know what I'm growing either. Also, how long did you flView attachment 1437161ower the Bubblelicious? Its Almost 4 weeks now from seed and I figure I'll give it about a week to flip to 12/12. Good luck with your Kushberry!View attachment 1437160
glad to see the lucas is working for you and there looking alot better
glad to see the lucas is working for you and there looking alot better
Hey Hellraizer, good to hear from you again! When I first started looking into growing I kept seeing the Lucas formula but with all the info I was taking in it seemed way too hard.
I'm glad you mentioned it to me because now I relize how EASY it is and I know I'll be using it forever.
It could be coincidence but once I started the formula the plants took off! I also bought a mini RO filter on ebay for like 55 bucks. Its slow to fill up a 3 gallon bucket but its well worth it!
Thanks again for the tips!


Rebel From The North
Hey Hellraizer, good to hear from you again! When I first started looking into growing I kept seeing the Lucas formula but with all the info I was taking in it seemed way too hard.
I'm glad you mentioned it to me because now I relize how EASY it is and I know I'll be using it forever.
It could be coincidence but once I started the formula the plants took off! I also bought a mini RO filter on ebay for like 55 bucks. Its slow to fill up a 3 gallon bucket but its well worth it!
Thanks again for the tips!
hey jannabana the lucas will work great for you, but when they get bigger say 12 to 14 in. move to the 0/8/16 that should put your ppm at 900 to 1100 depending
on your ppm that come out of the tap. also a little fyi when you flip to 12/12 I started get a nitrogen def. and I fixed that by adding 5ML of G to the mix.
so it ended up looking like this 5/8/16 and the problems went away that should put the ppms at 1100
hey jannabana the lucas will work great for you, but when they get bigger say 12 to 14 in. move to the 0/8/16 that should put your ppm at 900 to 1100 depending
on your ppm that come out of the tap. also a little fyi when you flip to 12/12 I started get a nitrogen def. and I fixed that by adding 5ML of G to the mix.
so it ended up looking like this 5/8/16 and the problems went away that should put the ppms at 1100
good lookin out man! But the 0/8/16 From what I have read said thats for high light levels like HPS. I am using 12 23w sprial CFLs and if I understand it correctly it says stay with half strength if going the CFL or "low light" route. What do you use for lighting? And that 5ML of G is per gallon like the rest of the formula?


Rebel From The North
dude sorry, got off track ya 5ML per gal and your right about the lights just half that go 2/4/8 per the gal and you should be fine
dude sorry, got off track ya 5ML per gal and your right about the lights just half that go 2/4/8 per the gal and you should be fine
ok, awesome! Today was the first time I was feeding with my RO water. I mixed the nutes and after a while checked PH and bam! 5.8 on the dot. love this shit