Tap water analysis advice, soiless grow.

I'm starting a new grow and plan to use Pro Mix HP in 3 to 5 gallon buckets, 3x3 grow tent with 8 Cree 3590 cobs running @ approx 400w.

I am currently growing out 9 seedings of Bog Bubble (BOG seeds) and still have time to finalize my setup as i still have to veg these out and sex them.

Here's my tap water situation (all ppm with the exception of pH and EC).. I'm mostly concerned about the Cl (Chloride) levels. Do you guys think it'd be safe to use my tap water or should i just go ahead and get a RO system? I plan to use Jack's nutrients.

K 1.43
Ca 93.21
Mg 30.26
Na 24.12
P 0
S 24.53
Cl 154.1
NH4-N 0.72
NO3-N 2.97
ALK 117.15
pH 7.94
EC 0.75
Urea 0.36
Fe 0
Mn 0
B 0.19
Cu 0
Zn 0
Mo 0.01
Al 0.07

I've grown hydroponically in the past (DWC, NFT and bio buckets) with both a 1000w and 600w HPS, so i do have a little experience but that was over a decade ago. I'm just getting back into it.

Thanks!! :)

Stink Bug

Well-Known Member
The sodium level is high also. And with that ec you may want to consider RO water. The chlorine will evaporate off if left to set a day or so before use. Bubbling with an airstone helps. If you have a water softener drawing the water before it is softened may be more compatible for growing.
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Thanks Stink Bug.. That's the way i was leaning as well but was hoping to avoid getting an RO system. I suppose that's the right thing to do in this situation and takes the guess work out of the equation! I was lucky enough to have good tap water previous grows.

I do have a water softener but this was tested with the softener bypassed (and with the water run for several minutes before taking the sample).
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Well-Known Member
I grow in soilless (promix) with very hard (water 250+ ppm out of the tap).

I dont let my water sit... i use an additive to eliminate Cl. I forget what its called... it comes in a unlabelled bottle...lol
But it shouldnt be hard to find.

As for sodium levels... i just flush twice with store bought RO water mixed with tap water (so i dont have to by a billion jugs of the RO) through the grow. Once after i finish vegging and then again half way through flower... always end up with bright white roots at harvest.
I grow in soilless (promix) with very hard (water 250+ ppm out of the tap).

I dont let my water sit... i use an additive to eliminate Cl. I forget what its called... it comes in a unlabelled bottle...lol
But it shouldnt be hard to find.
potassium metabisulfite? smells like sulfur? thanks!