Tap water for bubble bucket?


Well-Known Member
My tap water is pretty damn hard. My shampoo bottles and stuff sitting in the shower have a salty residue all over them. Dumb question but I have had a five gallon water bottle filled with water and an air stone sitting in to get rid of the chlorine..... if I Ph'd the water would it be safe to use in a bubbler? I just dont want to have to buy water evry week or two to change out the bucket ya know, but if i have to than i have to. Anyone ever used tap water in their bubbler?:confused:


New Member
I always use tap water. If you have hard water some companies make nutes for that like GH flora for hard water. If you're water is too hard you might not be able to use it though. JUst try growing with it and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Ya i know i should just try it but......... I have five seeds of NL from Nirvana and Im sketchy about throwing them in crappy water. I dont want to mess em up. I was just curious if anyone used their tap, I know everyones tap varies from area to area .... I think mine is way shitty. But ill try it on one of them..... I have a feeling it wont work but ill try it out.
Check the ppm of your straight tapwater. It will give you a ballpark of how much salt and minerals that already exist in your water. Hopefully it will be in the 200 or under range. If you are using a public water supply they have water tests done that are way more indepth. As a taxpayer you should be able to view those reports. Those tests will give you a complete breakdown of what is in your public water supply.


Well-Known Member
What is the target PPM for each phase of growth?
Veg= ? PPM
Flower= ? PPM

And my temps in the tent sometimes spike up to 82 ..... would this be a concern to anyone?
your ppm levels will vary depending on which strain you are growing. Some plants like heavy feedings and some like very weak fertilizers. First off you need to know your strain and what it likes. If you have never grown those strains try asking around to see what people were using for nutrient schedule. Like I said in my last post, check to see what your current water conditions are without any nutrients. Base your nute schedule on that and I would advise starting with weak nutrient mix (no more then 1/4 strength) to start off with. Know your plant and watch your plant, then adjust accordingly.


Well-Known Member
that kandy kush can handle it.i live in the stiks,my tap water is horrible,but the KK grew GREAT everytime,loves nutes early in flower.ive grown my last 3 grows in this water and they were fine.Northern lights by nirvana is sum dank bud,try kc brains NL its the best in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Totally misread the question as relating to bubble bags, lol, for hydro my answer makes no sense :) however, some info about filtered water:

distilled is usually quite pure, but occasionally can contain copper from the distillation process. RO/DI water (has to be DI), if properly maintained can be quite pure (other than gases which you can't really control like co2 and oxy).

I will say, if you get your water breakdown, you will find it is full of a lot of stuff, and without pure water you will have more trouble knowing exactly what your plants are getting. All municipal water suppliers will be able to give you a breakdown of the chemical composition of your local tap water. This info is most likely already on their website. IF there are some chemicals you don't know about feel free to post those questions, many people here have some chemistry experience in this regard :)


Active Member
blastjuice is correct, strain def makes a difference, but my rule of thumb, is to start at a low ppm, around 200, slowly during its veg raise to around 600-800, once you hit your flowering stage start pumping up the ppm to around 1100-1200, last few weeks of feeding the ppm should be around 1300-1400, obviously then you do your flush cycle for last 2 weeks prior to harvest. These figures have returned solid results for me even with different strains, basically keep ppm under 800 until flowering, then bump it up. Its also dependant upon the nutes your going to use, each manufacturer has a recommended ppm for there nute and cycles. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Awsome feedback guys, I appreciate it. My last question is...... I tested my tap water that had a airstone running in it for two days and the PPM was 435. This tells me that it is WAY to "hard" to use in my bubble bucket. Would you guys agree?


Active Member
Ok, think a little about it, yes maybe it is a little to hard, but, its water, when you ppm it to 0, all your doing is increasing the odds to better your chance of a super good grow, it doesnt mean it wont grow, its still water man, people around here get so scientific and in depth, cannabis plants are resiliant, feed them regulary and youll be fine. good luck.


Active Member
+rep 420 haze. im using my tap , 7.0ph i drop iy down to 6.3-6.5 growing ff soil. do u guys use the nutes to raise the ppm?


Well-Known Member
i like using tap water. i only use tap water in my dwc bucket it actually has essential elements already in it like Ca and Mg if using ro or distilled water you would have to add these elements back to the water which will raise ppm of the water anyway kinda a double negative to me. my water out the tap is 200 ppm never have a problem with it. as long as you are not using well water your fine.


Well-Known Member
wow i forgot i started this thread. I have not had problems with the tap other than the flux in Ph... i started another thread about dwc vs dirt and i think i will stick with the dirt