Taproot breaking soil and curving back in?

Well in the first week of growing after a few failed grows and I used half seeds on paper towel method and half direct soil germination and some of the ones on direct soil have taproots coming just out of the soil towards the light and curving back in??? Is this normal???

Also when they sprout where does the stem of the first sprout come from?
Is it the other side of the seed?? Or does it just sprout up from the taproot???


Active Member
If you look at the ones you done in the paper towel you should see a little white shoot. That is the root. When you plant it in the ground the shell kind of pops away as the two baby leafs open out from inside. and no its not normal your root should be under the soil not above it. I don't really understand what your saying do you have a pic?
Sorry I don't have a camera but what happened is in my soil the taproot has just popped up above soil and it looks like its just curved back in so all you can see is a little white root barely above soil


Well-Known Member
it probably just popped out the wrong end and is now trying to fix itself. the root will grow towards gravity naturaly. id maybe sprinkly a thin layer of dirt on top of it as direct light and air can harm the roots


New Member
unless he planted just under the surface and the taproot popped through and is now growing down like it should be..