taproot showing! Now what?!

My taproots are just now starting to show! I germinated my seeds Thursday in red solo cups, then transferred to plates. I found the perfect setting for my space heater in my bedroom, keeping it at a constant 77. Right now, I have a cardboard moving box (can't find my tape measure) and painted it flat white last night. I have 1 42 watt cfl bulb, cruising at 75 degrees.

My conditions are great. I have some distilled water and will adjust the ph in a few minutes. How much of my taproot should be showing before I plant? And should I add another light? It's fairly bright and I have some Y splitters from menards that I can use. I have a small desk fan on standby if necessary.

The taproot just sprouted this morning, so it's been about 10 hours.

Also, I'm not one to judge, but if you're going into a nursery to buy marijuana-growing supplies, don't look like a stoner when going in, and don't go in high either... An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Well-Known Member
You can plant them anytime, some people wait until it's two to three inches. I personal plant them as soon as they hatch and never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
The seed should be in the soil (or other medium) when the tap root emerges. As soon as it cracks, plant it. Waiting until it is 3" is just wrong, unnecessary and bad for the plant.

I don't even wait for the seed to crack. I soak it in room temp water overnight and plant it. Every seed I plant sprouts in a few days.

Seeds need moisture, oxygen and a moderate temperature in order to germinate.

You do not need to pH distilled water for sprouts. You dont even need distilled water.

Get some good soil, put them in it and leave them alone.


Global Moderator
Staff member
The problem with waiting is (if using a paper towel method) the tiny hairs that are growing off of the taproot will imbed themself into the paper & get torn off when you move the seed.
I plant as soon as the seeds split.


Well-Known Member
I'd plant as soon as I saw the tap root, waiting for it to be 2 to 3 inches is rediculous to me, I just soak them for a day or so and plant them.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I'd plant as soon as I saw the tap root, waiting for it to be 2 to 3 inches is rediculous to me, I just soak them for a day or so and plant them.
Yep, I soak for 24 (ish) hours and then put them in the dirt.
I like my results.

Gary Ganja

Well-Known Member
Soon as i see a tap root then into the medium they go! Germed my white widow 2 days ago 2 split to show tap root the other just split. Into rapid rooter plugs they went tho and are now under a dome. Went to a grow shop high today, looks like other high people where there lol


I think you will find leaving the seeds in the moist paper towel in a ziplock bag for 24/48 more hours will prove more success. Try for half an inch taproot and then plant into your medium. It will pop the surface of soil in 12 hours easily. I'm assuming its your first time from seed therefor planting them too soon generally leads to over watering and impatience which leads to the grower digging up the seed to see what's happening. Give it time in paper towel then move them over.


Am I the only other one who just puts the seed in the mix (SAM#4) to let it do it's thing without having to peep at it and fuss over it like it's my litto baby?