Target watering frequency ?


Active Member

Hello, first post so a brief and MASSIVE thanks to everyone who posts on here. I have learnt so much from you guys I'm grateful, really, so thanks.

Now the question about watering frequency:

On my last grow I had to wait 2-3 days (4-5 in the early stages) until the soil was dry enough to water/feed again. It was a quality soil from the hydro store. This grow I intend to add extra perlite to a number of my plants as an experiment to see if the extra drainage will improve the conditions for the plant.

So on the group of plants with extra perlite I am expecting to water them more often, right ? This is certainly my aim, as - if I understand correctly - this will move me slightly closer to the mechanics of hydroponics where watering/drying takes place more frequently in a bid to increase nutrient & oxygen availability. Am I correct in thinking this is something to aim for ?

So my question is really a broad one about nutrient strength vs watering frequency. If I up the frequency of watering should I decrease the strength of the nutes ? For example if you halved the time it took the plant to need re-watering, but watered with the same strength nutes, would you run the risk of over-fert ?

Side note:
I will be using soil medium but hydro nutes - yes hydro, I borrowed the method from a friend who has consistently excellent results. I know it is unconventional, but did i mention consistently excellent results ? ;-) . But anyway I think the question is still useful as one of nutrient strength vs watering frequency.

Many thanks to all advice given or links posted.



Active Member
Bump, or can I get this moved to a more appropriate area perhaps ?

Sorry I don't know how these forums work properly yet.



Well-Known Member
sorry i dont know the answer to any of ur questions, i'm pretty new at this too bit could u give me some info on your use of hydro nutes in organic. i posted a few days ago askin if hydro nutes could be used on soil. i just aquired sum hydro nutes and i'm in week 1 of flowering (6 plants, under 1000watt hps after 5 weeks vegging, organic, 4' x4' x 6.5' tent, biobizz nutes). the hydro nutes ive got are canna vegga a&b


just get some foxfarm bro it comes with the perlite already in it. extra perlite cant really benefit too much.


Well-Known Member
just get some foxfarm bro it comes with the perlite already in it. extra perlite cant really benefit too much.
....extra perlite works wonders.......... yes, you should chil on the nutes a little. start a water, water, nutes, water, water, nutes regime....


Active Member
....extra perlite works wonders.......... yes, you should chil on the nutes a little. start a water, water, nutes, water, water, nutes regime....
Cheers ReAVeR. Isn’t Water Water Nutes a bit too far on the side of caution ? I mean I didn’t really want to cut my nutes by 2/3rds for the girls with extra perlite – that is, unless I’m watering 3 times as often.

How much perlite do you add ? And how has it changed the watering frequency ?

If it is the case that extra waterings should equal a drop in nute strength then how about if I drop it [the strenght] pro-rata? I mean if I’m watering soil every 4 days, and soil+perlite every 2, would it be okay to drop to 50% strength? Or better to Water-Nute- Water-Nute to achieve this 50% drop ?

Thanks for advice




Active Member
could u give me some info on your use of hydro nutes in organic.
To be honest I’m not really qualified to answer your question, as I’m just copying the method from a friend who get the results – I’ve always grown organically, with fair to good results. I had a bad experience with hydro a decade or so ago (my first grow) , so I like to keep things simple.

From what I have been told by the guys in my local hydro store, the hydro nutes will prob kill all your friendly bacteria you have built up in the soil during the veg stage, however I found this paper[1] which was cited on icmag[2], It’s a recent paper on how adding micro bacteria reduces the need for synthetic ferts in the agricultural industry. So one does not necessarily exclude the other.

Certainly the use of hydro nutes in soil is not unheard of[3], even by commercial farmers[4]. I’m using Ionic Bloom at 7ml per litre which is just what it says on the bottle, but apparently its forgiving, so I think you will be absolutely fine If you start at ½ strength and work up.

Also my case is similar to yours as my veg food is in the soil, so I am also having an organic veg with a hydro bloom.

Good luck

[1] [FONT=&quot]



Active Member
Bumped for the weekend. Anyone care to weigh in ? Any experiences with extra perlite good or bad ? Anything I should really be watching out for ?

Cheers guys