theirs more then one way to get to a kilo,just like their is more then one way to skin a cat,but ive done alot of skinning and i never quite understood that one,and when we worked in the bush building raods to reserves they called the machine operater a cat skinner,mind you the machines were made by cat untill kamatso came out,but im starting to think it was lack of education that made these lines famous,no wonder i breahted new life into around the fire bush shop talk.i had grade six twice which gave me a grade 12.and that has produced stretchy plants for me,as my buddy never went to school and his plants look nice,hell im rambling good luck go grow that kilo.Depending on your situation, for me I think its definitely worth it, as I wont have anything else ready to go in there until this is just about done, so might as well! and I think I'll get at least 2 pounds, so, I'm doing it!!!
same as me,comeing along nice,will need to be staked.what what?
the stretched ones are starting to fill in pretty well, buds are starting to show, little pointer tip sized buds, bud node spacing is also decressing, and the stretched nodes seem to be filling in with little hairs, so looks like this should work out pretty well, though I am nervouse that the stems wont be able to handle the weight on their own :/
thats fucking hilarious.quit watching those turtles and give us an update,i should send a curtain so those two can have some privacy and you can attend to your plants.