woa, RIU has changed alot since my last appearance... well my crop was almost an utter failure. alot of shit happen I wasn't home too much and things just got out of hand. When I finaly did take a close look I saw spidermites had completly destroyed 2 plants and were moving on to bigger and better thangs, mainly and namly

the whole crop, the plants that they didn't get were just too neglected

I got maybe a pound and a half of bud I'm utterly ashamed of, it tastes terrible as I didn't flush, because they were practicaly dead when I was going to. I'm not going to cure it as its shit weed, it is really fluffy and not mature, and lastly it sucks monkey balls.
I do have high hope for next time

, I know most of what went wrong, mostly a lack of me doing what I was supposed to. I have a friend that dosn't mind it too much, even though he knows there are probably spider mites on it, and I'm going to take that money and invest in a box of bulbs, some seeds, and some fans,.
My other problems seeme to have been, insuficient air circulation, too much fluctuation in peak temperatures, and a number of other problems, some of which I pointed out earlier on in the journal, such as rushing on veg, shitty quality bulbs, and a miriad of other small but in this case dissasterouse problems.
I'm not going to post pictures of the bud as I'm ashamed of it

... nah maybe I will, just so I have somthing to look back on in future failures... that hopefully dont happen...
so there you go, the mutalation of what was once a nice pertty garden.
keep your eyes open for a tckfui production, brought to you by R.I.U. writen and directed by tckfui, music also by tckfui, in "Tck's going for a kilo II, the rebirth",
(deep, raspy anouncer voice) "oh its going down, and this time its personal!
on computers worldwide, winter 09