Yea bro a serious bulb for 14 bucks at (HD} but Lowes also has them differnt brand ofcourse but def good for the cfl grower I mean these thing rock for budding but you have to make sure they are 2700 k okay and i think you should know that you need to get the 10.5. brooder clamp light with porceain socket 300 watt type its a super grip clamp w reflector . The whole thing comes under 30 bucks and well worth it my man.BBBIIIGGG BBBUUUDDDSSS LLOLOLO Let me know what you think . Wait til you see these things they are nice and BIG Peace the SIZZLER ..P.S. They dont come in 100 watt at homeDepot. Also the porcelain socket allows you hang iy any way you want it w minimal heat the porcelain seems to absorb alot of the little heat it gives off peace out let me know what you think guysMaine budsizzler420