Tea party favorite Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts exposed as a farce

"therefore your assertion that he had a Cinderella, bowl of cherries childhood is false. I HAD A GREAT CHILDHOOD!! Gonna cry about it, and tell me I'm am not being fair, and that no one should listen to me?"

NoDrama, no, I'm not going to cry about it. I'm merely going to point out that you don't know what the term pampered, bowl-of-dherries, Cinderella baby childhood means. What it means is that a person didn't experience any impediments to growth in intellectual and social awareness while growing up. That would clearly include Brown.
OregonMeds, when I used the term "Oregon Marijuana Initiative" I wasn't referring to any recent ballot initiatives, I was referring to the organization of the same name that existed back in the late 80's and early 90's. I was a supporter of that organization and still have a couple of T-shirts that I bought ftom them.
"therefore your assertion that he had a Cinderella, bowl of cherries childhood is false. I HAD A GREAT CHILDHOOD!! Gonna cry about it, and tell me I'm am not being fair, and that no one should listen to me?"

NoDrama, no, I'm not going to cry about it. I'm merely going to point out that you don't know what the term pampered, bowl-of-dherries, Cinderella baby childhood means. What it means is that a person didn't experience any impediments to growth in intellectual and social awareness while growing up. That would clearly include Brown.
So impaired intellectual growth is your prerequisite for a Senator? Don't worry, most in politics actually DO have impaired intellect.
"kiss my grits and trish my biscuits!"

It needs to be pointed out that UncleBuck took offense to something I said in a previous thread and despite the fact that what it was I said had nothing to do with him personally nor was directed at him personally he apparently has some sort of a vendetta against me now that has resutled in him essentially stalking me in this thread in the form of childish, uncalled for personal attacks. Just thought everyone would like to know.
"So impaired intellectual growth is your prerequisite for a Senator? Don't worry, most in politics actually DO have impaired intellect."

NoDrama, who said anything about prerequsites for senators here? This thread is about Brown pulling the wool over people's eyes to try to mislead them into believing he had a bad childhood by American standards. In the process he's distorting what other people who really did have bad childhoods lived through. The author of that piece is speaking up about it. What's wrong with thatt?
tea party are puppets, scott brown isnt one of them, hes a muppet.

He's also a farce. He's been going around trying to lead the American public that he overcame some kind of gigantic adversity while grpwing up. However, the author is just pointing out that if you take a closer look at Brown's claims, you can't even rule out the possibilityt hat he actually grew up a pampered, bowl-of-cherries, Cinderella baby.

He's a farce!