Tea Recipe

this is my tea recipe, theres been alot of questions regarding how to make good tea. this recipe makes a good brew and gets ya real high.
1/.5 oz of buds and or stems (if just stems you'll need more that that)
tea pot(a big thermos would work)
screen or coffee filter would work

bust the buds up a little bit and put them into the tea pot with the stems.
bring kettle to a boil, and pour water into tea pot. let it sit for about 30 min.mabye longer if you want a stronger tea. after 30 min, take the screen and put it over the mug/cup you'll drink out of, pour tea, you can dump the stem n buds back into the teapot and let it sit longer. and thats it, enjoy
Hows the taste? Ever tried it mxing with other teas for different tastes or anything?

Pretty keen to try this out some day, i reckon itll be good to relax you right before sleep.


Active Member
i thought that THC had to bind with fat molecules to get you off? i've heard that you can eat weed and not get a buzz, i'd think that drinking it would have the same effect. from everything i have read in hear, you either have to steep the weed in cooking oil and make brownies, or mix with butter and boiling water to make cannabutter. plz advise, i am too cheap with my weed to experiment

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hows this tea possible???It aint..Take some , at least 3,5% milk, then boil it for 30 min...then take the shit out, fulll your mug, and drink up...Youl be wasted for the rest of the day....:hump:


Garth Algar

I've never had pot tea, so I have some newb questions :D
-What does it taste like? What does it smell like?
-How stoned does it get you?
-Can I mix bud with other types of tea or other herbs to creat my own tea varieties?
-Do the stems work well for brewing or should I stick to the actual bud?
it tastes pretty good, harsh on the throat tho
i don't know how it works it just does,
its more of a body buzz high kicks in after 20 odd mins or so.
you can try, i haven't so i don't know
i use a mix of bud and stems, but stem just do work well.
i would advize it only sometimes if you like to rashion your weed, i can't say how it works i don't know,but its good, im on my second cup right now, its got me really buzzed


Active Member
dude twice I read that you haven't tried the stuff, or maybe I am just misunderstanding what you are trying to say...

If you haven't tried it I don't know how you can advertise something you have not tried? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
it tastes pretty good, harsh on the throat tho
i don't know how it works it just does,
its more of a body buzz high kicks in after 20 odd mins or so.
you can try, i haven't so i don't know
i use a mix of bud and stems, but stem just do work well.
YOu just said you can try, I havent so i dont know.

I have been adding milk when I make my tea as I read that its not soluble in water however you spell soluble grrrr


Active Member
THC is NOT water soluble. As someone pointed out, you would have to first extract the THC with milk (or anything else THC is soluble in) and then add the milk to the tea. If you do what the OP said you will be throwing away marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I should just make a new thread, but what exactly would be the method for infusing milk or half and half with THC? I met a vendor at my hydrostores customer appreciation day event who makes honey tincture. Same dude who made the honey tincture I bought at the club in sacramento. Thing is he wouldnt reveal how the resins are suspended or saturate into the honey concoction. Said it was an art and thats how he makes his lively hood. Gave me his number and said he'll sell me the $45 bottles for $20 and a full mason jar of the shit for $200. It goes so well in chai tea also.

josh b

Well-Known Member
2 cups of it and lightly buzzed? must be shit lol,

when eating it like in a drink or soup ect ts ment to make u trip and hit u hard and ur slightly buzzed?.

i doubt id waste my time on cooking with weed or pot until i find out weather u need more or less than smoking it.


Active Member
2 cups of it and lightly buzzed? must be shit lol,

when eating it like in a drink or soup ect ts ment to make u trip and hit u hard and ur slightly buzzed?.

i doubt id waste my time on cooking with weed or pot until i find out weather u need more or less than smoking it.
Well thats one sided..

Consuming cannabis may take more weed but it is also a different high, I usually cant even drive which is amazing cus I can always drive on countless bong loads... dont dis it till you try it

But dont try it this way cus its a waist and you are losing thc, although it will get you alittle high and aid nicely in sleeping...


*Warning Talking out of my ass here* The reason I would imagine that the tea is giving a buzz is because you said to brush up the leaves and bud a bit. I'm thinking once the hot water hits them. They are knocked off into the water and activated by the heat. But it's only giving you a buzz because you are not using a triglyceride medium that can bind with the thc and give the full potential.

Second don't try to boil milk it will usually curdle. Partially how you make custard. You want to simmer the milk and whole milk would work best.

My personal suggestion, make some cannabutter and then some butter cookies. Then eat your cookies with your tea of choice.