Rothbard was no fascist. I believe in much of their economic principles; I don't take my political lead from them.An ancap who doesn't agree with Mises, Rand and Rothbard...
Must be convenient.
Slave owners who wrote the constitution and founded a nation, therefore statists, like you.find something bad on Jefferson, or Madison........and get back to me.
Maybe you're unemployed, too. Since you've never mentioned working anywhere, I think that is a safe assumption. Inserting a reference to a known lie kinda destroys your credibility. Sucks to you. "win-win" I already earn about over 4 times the average wage due to our free education system?
I also know not to set my house on fire with my family asleep upstairs.
So win-win, the only thing that could make me win anymore would be calling you gay.
Ron "I hate Civil Rights" Paul didn’t didn’t have the delegates necessary for nomination, not even if he’d had received all of the Maine delegates. Still was a state short guy. A plurality of the delegates in five states is needed to be entered in nomination per the rules of the GOP. This is nothing new.Because of his looks and the power of the two party system. Didn't he actually win a few states but the electoral votes were rewarded to Romney by the electoral college reps? I don't remember exactly because it mattered so little to me. I just remember seeing polls being reported by the news and RP never being mentioned even when he placed high.
"Cops must be unleashed and allowed to administer instant punishment." ~Murray RothbardRothbard was no fascist.
There was a concerted effort by the republican party to diminish the RP momentum. This wasn't just on the Federal level. Our two party system has created a system where independent thought is discouraged and vilified. They were probably more scared of him than you guys are. He was a serious threat to status quo in DC and NEITHER party is willing to let that happen.Ron "I hate Civil Rights" Paul didn’t didn’t have the delegates necessary for nomination, not even if he’d had received all of the Maine delegates. Still was a state short guy. A plurality of the delegates in five states is needed to be entered in nomination per the rules of the GOP. This is nothing new.
Wished to end slavery...Jefferson and Madison both wished to end slavery, and return African slaves to Africa, and to assist them in the founding of a constitutional republic; Liberia.
AC wishes to end gov while living off the government... human nature can be a bitch, we are flawed.Wished to end slavery...
Owned slaves.
you are like a dog, sniffing around for rotten scraps, to take to a human, to complain about it. funny"Cops must be unleashed and allowed to administer instant punishment." ~Murray Rothbard
no italics please........vertigo is on like Donkey Kong today.‘One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, “our side,” had captured a crucial word from the enemy . . . “Libertarians” . . . had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over. . .'
~Murray Rothbard