Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
look at this, the racist likes the racist who hates civil rights, and wonders why he gets called racist.

rawn pawl did not want to legalize, he wanted to let states do prohibition on their own. get your fucking facts straight.

rawn pawl is a racist and so is anyone who seriously supported him, like you clearly do.
Can you please shout in green ink? Also, you never addressed the part about public schools having a basis in violent threats.

Cherry picking or nose picking?


Well-Known Member
should i bring up some of racistroy's quotes where he calls the president by racial slurs now to prove how totally not racist he is while he drones on and on, denying historical fact and advocating for white supremacy policies?


Well-Known Member
Can you please shout in green ink? Also, you never addressed the part about public schools having a basis in violent threats.

Cherry picking or nose picking?
Free public education up to and including third level demonstrably pays more in taxes over the lifetime of the person (and increases that persons living standard) than the cost of the education in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Also, you never addressed the part about public schools having a basis in violent threats.
go move somewhere that has no property tax then. you are choosing to live among an educated populace when you are perfectly free to go somewhere else.

life and everything in it is a cost/benefit tradeoff. you can save that small property tax, but you have to forgo an educated populace.

an ignorant racist like you would probably prefer to live somewhere without property taxes. fewer people means fewer black people for you to segregate yourself from, ya racist.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes, you are. you are also defending white separatism, white nationalism, and white supremacy.
No, I'm not. I think it's stupid, but if people want to separate from others I think it is not my right or yours to make them associate.

Let's say you like to have gerbils up your ass, but I don't. I would defend your right to put gerbils up your own ass (assuming you acquired the gerbil absent coercion) but not to put gerbils up the ass of say Abandon Conflict if he didn't want you to.

If Abandon Conflict wanted to escape from gerbilization he should be able to disassociate from you.

If Abandon Conflict didn't mind a black gerbil up his ass, but not a white one, and you agreed to those term it is none of my business.
If a person wants to keep you out of his property because he doesn't like gerbil abusers, I think you should leave him alone.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not.
you are defending the harmful and racist practices of white racists to deny service to blacks, thereby putting themselves in a position of superiority by virtue of their arbitrary skin color.

that is called white supremacy, and it is exactly what you are defending.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Free public education up to and including third level demonstrably pays more in taxes over the lifetime of the person (and increases that persons living standard) than the cost of the education in the first place.
You are using a utilitarian argument. That's what Stalin did when he said enslaving people would be more efficient for food production. I think people should not be enslaved or forced to pay for things they prefer not to have.


Well-Known Member
You are using a utilitarian argument. That's what Stalin did when he said enslaving people would be more efficient for food production. I think people should not be enslaved or forced to pay for things they prefer not to have.
then go move somewhere else more accommodating to your white supremacist belief system. i hear the backwoods of idaho have some exceedingly friendly places for a radical racist like you to set up shop.


Well-Known Member
You are using a utilitarian argument. That's what Stalin did when he said enslaving people would be more efficient for food production. I think people should not be enslaved or forced to pay for things they prefer not to have.
Education is unique in that it gives children the equal opportunity to succeed.

I'm libertarian, but leave education and healthcare alone.

EDIT: Sorry, was thinking here where they're public funded.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you are defending the harmful and racist practices of white racists to deny service to blacks, thereby putting themselves in a position of superiority by virtue of their arbitrary skin color.

that is called white supremacy, and it is exactly what you are defending.

Nope. I'm defending a persons right to be left alone as long as they leave others alone.

You are defending making people associate and if they won't possibly killing them.

Practices and beliefs are two distinct things. Gerbils are not squirrels, you are not Doer, Meathead.


Well-Known Member
You are using a utilitarian argument. That's what Stalin did when he said enslaving people would be more efficient for food production. I think people should not be enslaved or forced to pay for things they prefer not to have.
No problem with wage slavery though.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then go move somewhere else more accommodating to your white supremacist belief system. i hear the backwoods of idaho have some exceedingly friendly places for a radical racist like you to set up shop.
I don't hold those beliefs, you say you don't either. Good for you.

I leave people alone, but you don't. You might want to consider changing that behavior and changing your pants, there's a smelly gerbil in there.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I'm defending a persons right to be left alone
that right is already protected.

want to be left alone? sit the fuck down at home and stay there. want to have a business and be "left alone"? that's a retarded concept, but open a private club and invite only those who you want.

since a person's right to be left alone is already well protected, one can only say that you are defending "special rights" for white racists to cause harm to others with their white supremacist beliefs.

good job, racist.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Education is unique in that it gives children the equal opportunity to succeed.

I'm libertarian, but leave education and healthcare alone.

EDIT: Sorry, was thinking here where they're public funded.
So you only want to use threats of violence for "good things". I call that rationalization the "pink pistol" argument where your violence sprays flowery goodness. Now go wash the rationalization out of your mouth and be consistent.

Education = good.

Forced payment for something a person would prefer not to engage in = bad


Well-Known Member
I don't hold those beliefs
yet you defend those beliefs above all others. even to the point where you deny known history and claim that the racist denial of service never harmed anyone.

you are a racist stooge, a friend of the white supremacists.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
that right is already protected.

want to be left alone? sit the fuck down at home and stay there. want to have a business and be "left alone"? that's a retarded concept, but open a private club and invite only those who you want.

since a person's right to be left alone is already well protected, one can only say that you are defending "special rights" for white racists to cause harm to others with their white supremacist beliefs.

good job, racist.

No, that right is not protected dipshit, it is violated thousands of times everyday by the wearers of the boots you love to lick.

Do you kneel and pray to the almighty nanny state every morning or does the gerbil make it hard to kneel?


Well-Known Member
Education = good.

Forced payment for something a person would prefer not to engage in = bad
except no one is forcing you to live where you do. you can go somewhere else that has no property taxes, but you choose not to.

stop trying to force your beliefs on others who have agreed on a consensual basis that property taxes are worth it for the educated populace they enjoy.

as much as it irks you, not everyone will be as dumb, ignorant, and racist as you are.