its the garden shop in ben Lomond.
Has everything you could want and more, there's one guy there that knows his stuff, he actually knew WTF I was talking about.
horsetail, comfrey, nitrogen fixing legumes, everything organic you can imagine, karanja meal(yea) insect frass, all the obscure things.
Plus they sell by the lb on a lot of nutrients, that's cool as hell.
Hell they even have a handwritten sign advising customers to NOT follow the manufacturers feeding dosages for bottled stuff.
It's a feed store as well so they have dogfood, reg feed like hay and alfalfa.
that ignoring the fact that their reg plants are awesome, they sell all kinds of berries, fruit and avocado trees..
Cool place though.
And the drive up is pretty too. Up hwy 9 through the redwoods, and you can hit up the ben Lomond market too, they have KILLER deli sandwiches...
If you ever wanna hang out or need any car advice i'd be down to meet any fellow local organic guys.