

I use 1 1/2 tablespoons unsulfered molassas per gallon of water 1tsp bloom booster per gal. 1/2 tsp epson salt and shake it all up in 70-78 degree water shake really good and water this is for my flowering cycle I use this mixture every watering and only water when 2 inches of soil is dry and every day I use tap water just spray top of soil a lil bit to keep the higher roots moist and to prevent nute/ salt build up on dry upper roots
alright thx and um anything on the flavor thing and i use molases to and i use all organic and i use some high quality compost and i need to know what part of the fish i can use for my compost any help on that


Active Member
I would use the whole fish, compost the whole thing, the head the bones the scales the guts the meat, the eyeballs, the WHOLE fish, each part of the fish has a difent value.
Flavor usually comes from the individual strain, not the compost tea that the plants are fed with. I'm all ears if adding flavors is possible though.
well i heard that if u mix extracts with the water in the last few weeks b4 harvest but they said to watch for mold but i dont think itll mold because extracts dont mold to easy but yea


Well-Known Member
no, when it comes to fish use hydrolyzed fish like neptunes harvest, as far as flavoring goes the only thing you can do is try to bring out the natural flavors that are traits of the plant your growing. it isnt possible to manipulate your plant to taste like something else by "flavoring" its a matter of unlocking the essential oils that are genetically stored in the plant, and you do this by using good soil, adequate light, a good tea regime, meaning compost tea and guano tea along with molasses, and you use it in your tea, 4tbsp per gallon is what i use. and then even all that can be ruined in the cure if you dont do it right. you want a berry tasting plant go with subcools plushberry, you'll find it on the attitude under tga seeds.