

Well-Known Member
I just bought techniflora recipe for success starter kit. Ive been using MG nutes (i know everyone hates them but they havent done any harm so far). anyways everyone convinced me to at least get better nutes so i got this off ebay:

Technaflora Recipe For Success Starter Kit - eBay (item 200204772491 end time May-31-08 22:40:49 PDT)

anyways, was hoping to get some advice on what to use for flowering vs. vegging?

and if anyone uses it what do you use ect ect.
its a lot of bottles of stuff so i know its gunna confuse me. lol.
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Well-Known Member
oh and also i want to snip some clones before i get too far into the flowering process. Im about 8 days in now. i have no cloning gel so do you think its okay if i snip some clones tonight before lights out (in one hour so immediate replies are welcomed) and when the gel comes then dip them? or will it really matter. maybe theyll root without it :-\ its just bag seed so its not the end of the world if they dont root.


Active Member
your only 8 days in and want to clone? as you probably know by now bad idea....but thats just one of many: you shouldnt really be feeding them that much if theyre only 8 days old and immiediatly stop using miracle grow i have the kit you have and it works good for beginners. as soon as you snip a clone it should be dipped in the gel asap not later and you should wait to clone. patience