Technical theory/question


Well-Known Member
I was told, that for indoor grows, You get more yeild if you dont let the plant bush out.

Like if u let the plant just grow straight up (1cola), rather than trying to get the plant big(wide).

for instance, rather than small bushy plants, u would get more yeild with a few more plants with the plant growing more vertical, rather than trying to veg for longer.

The links are of pics of the differences, What i was told is its u will yeild more if u grow the plant straight up , rather than wide, because the nodes would be closer together and form 1 big ass nug, rather than a bunch of air nugs...

Is this true?


Well-Known Member
It does work better in the sea of green method but not for those that only grow a couple at a time. It takes longer for lsting and cropping so the yeilds are close to the same when vs. time spent on each.

Dr. O

outdoors this may be true
but indoors,where light intensity is a factor,i dont think so
its all about having an even canopy


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with mushroom, those are the definitely the best methods for indoor grows. I've used the super cropping method before and it works well.


Well-Known Member
Those two pics look like totally different plants, under different conditions, which will cause incredible variations, so it really isn't something to endorse cropping or not.

I personally think this has a lot to do with the light source. Outdoors plants seem to grow loads of buds when just left to their own devices, but the sun penetrates foliage better than our lights, and the light reduction of 10-20 feet, vs the distance from us to the sun, means that the plant is receiving way way way more light at the base than an artifically lit plant. If your lights can't penetrate down below a single cola, then you will get more yield out of a group of colas.


Well-Known Member
wel i have a small grow setup.with mylar, I dont really have an issue getting light tot he bottom of the plant


Well-Known Member
would it still be benificial even in my situation? i have good light reflection to the bottom of the plants


Well-Known Member
wel i have a small grow setup.with mylar, I dont really have an issue getting light tot he bottom of the plant
This is not how light works. The distance light travels has to do with the intensity. It's governed by physics. Lets say your light is 24" from your plant. Every 24" further the light travels (say from the top to the bottom of a plant) it loses a lot of intensity. A good figure to use from us to the sun is a hair under 93 million miles. So the difference between two feet compared to the distance it has traveled is negligible, and there is no difference between light intensity. It might seem like you are getting good light down below, but trust me, the sun wins, hands down.


Well-Known Member
as far as I can tell he is describing a SoG (sea of green) method, which is fairly widely used. You do a large number of clones and each one gives a large cola. You can pack those clones in (hence the name), and get a lot of single top colas, way more than if you vegged the plants out fully and went with a lesser number. Before attempting something like this I would get a feeling for cloning. get a plant or two vegging, and cut, make sure you are getting roots, and after a few weeks once they are rooted in soil or a hydro system, that you are getting a good turnout. Once you are comfortable with the success rate cloning, the rest of thise sort of system is rather easy. You can find tons of info and techniques online if you search for sea of green.