Technology and the Gorilla Grower

I like to put plants next to a mud hole or some sort of low spot and loosen the soil so water holds their. Roots will grow towards water and i also use time release fertilizer as well and lime the area. I also have some cattle waterers where water runs into if it gets really dry. They get a lot of mosquitoes but i dont care as long as they end up as fertlizer as well. Lol

Game cameras i used to think was important. No longer use them as law enforment got a relative of mines cameras when they had night vision and saw the infrared flashes. Used the sd card against him as it had pics of him going to and fro from his grow area. Good to have against rippers but dont let them fall into the wrong hands.

Also i like to paint everything camo colors
Last season I used tarps and trashcans to catch rain. Had to disperse it with 5 gallon buckets though. Have thought about putting a spigot in the bottom of the trashcan and run some soaker hoses. That way I could mix in the food and leave it alone.

Also got water from ponds, cow troughs and my well. As well as catching rain at my camp {tarp shelter}. I don't have anything out yet for my Spring crop. but I plan to run some hoses from an artesian well by the time I get my full season's in. Last season I carried it with buckets. Love the effect of the sulfur water on the plants.