Ted Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at Age 77

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Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
There's enough food to feed everyone.
What if I told you that as we speak;
Chinese commercial entities are buying up tracts of foreclosed farmland in the midwest. And they're already growing crops here and shippin em back home for sale on their OWN market.

Have you seen what European MAD COW and the FDA have done to the price of beef in the stores. The Farmer is still only getting $1 lb on the hoof.(if he's lucky)But, he's got 5 more hoops to jump through in able to sell it.

The U.S. was built on agriculture. It is our base. We could FEED THE WORLD and employ everyone in the process.
Instead of corn and clover, we're plantin Pizza Huts and Marathon Stations.


Well-Known Member
What if I told you that as we speak;
Chinese commercial entities are buying up tracts of foreclosed farmland in the midwest. And they're already growing crops here and shippin em back home for sale on their OWN market.

Have you seen what European MAD COW and the FDA have done to the price of beef in the stores. The Farmer is still only getting $1 lb on the hoof.(if he's lucky)But, he's got 5 more hoops to jump through in able to sell it.

The U.S. was built on agriculture. It is our base. We could FEED THE WORLD and employ everyone in the process.
Instead of corn and clover, we're plantin Pizza Huts and Marathon Stations.
yeah I pay 6.99 a lb for ground beef. Fucking insane, well I buy local grass fed, not that shit they ship to walmart or other local store, I'm a healthy living fucker.

Our country plants PLENTY of corn, watch a movie call "King Corn", they make so much fucking corn they have to feed it to animals and throw it away because the gov wont make it where they can grow anything else.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Senator Ted Kennedy made a speech the other day endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

When candidate Hillary Clinton was asked how this would affect her relationship with Kennedy in the Senate she said, "We'll drive over that bridge when we come to it."

OH! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Senator Ted Kennedy made a speech the other day endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

When candidate Hillary Clinton was asked how this would affect her relationship with Kennedy in the Senate she said, "We'll drive over that bridge when we come to it."

OH! :wall:
Guess not now.


New Member
Senator Ted Kennedy made a speech the other day endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

When candidate Hillary Clinton was asked how this would affect her relationship with Kennedy in the Senate she said, "We'll drive over that bridge when we come to it."

OH! :wall:
hahah....you know one of Hillary's aides woke up at 3 in the morning and wrote that one down....


Well-Known Member
Ted Kennedy dies, Just another headline for liberals to use for there own selfish agendas. Wouldn't doubt if they try to name a new Healthcare bill after his liberal ass. I guarantee Teddy wouldn't have taken "End of life counceling" from the government.
Oh, he'll be trotted out alright. You can bet that visit from Obama was all Kennedy's idea too. Kennedy is one sly fox. He has a game plan already written up and was surely telling Obama how to pull this off. It's all down on paper already.
The political opportunists are certain to name it after him. Queen Nancy is evoking his legacy as the inspiration to get it passed. Exalted Cyclops Byrd has already suggested the name change.

If Ed's legacy is the driving force, may I suggest the Mary Jo Kopechne Health Care Act of 2009?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
tragedy when people die :(
not really if he had brain cancer
it was a tragety wen he was diagnosed
everyone knew he was gunna die
he actually lived past when his death was predicted to be

he did alot for this country
now all the kennedies are dead
well the famous ones anyways

thier kids live thier legacy now
the kennedies helped this country so much through racial turmoil
well John did anyways


New Member
The political opportunists are certain to name it after him. Queen Nancy is evoking his legacy as the inspiration to get it passed. Exalted Cyclops Byrd has already suggested the name change.

If Ed's legacy is the driving force, may I suggest the Mary Jo Kopechne Health Care Act of 2009?
Is that poor girl still dead?


Well-Known Member
Poor Mary Jo.... she missed Ted's shining example of a good guy. :wink:
CJ, you kill me, it's plp like you that make me think there might be hope for this country....
Peace my Bud, Ohhh on a AWESOME AS FUCK NOTE, I just scored 2 Os of good ol skunk, YAY!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL my real old favz are NYC Sour Diesel and Purp Haze, its been years since ive had em but when I order my first seeds those 2 will be in the order.
AHHH I smoked half a blunt and I'm trashed, It's crossed with something I think, not true skunk stain but still, it was a good deal at just 350

Also has seeds so it's something to grow later if I need.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Ted was a pillar of strength and determination.
He once ramped a car into a creek, swam to shore, watched a young girl drown, and still managed to run all the way to Daddies house. He was then able to walk away clean, instead of shackled like the PIECE OF SHIT that he was.
Wow! What a man!



Well-Known Member
Ted was a pillar of strength and determination.
He once ramped a car into a creek, swam to shore, watched a young girl drown, and still managed to run all the way to Daddies house. He was then able to walk away clean, instead of shackled like the PIECE OF SHIT that he was.
Wow! What a man!
DING DING DING, Thank You so fucking much sir!
just like another certain pop star, some people just dont want to admit their fav person is really just scum.

Rep for you Bud.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
DING DING DING, Thank You so fucking much sir!
just like another certain pop star, some people just dont want to admit their fav person is really just scum.

Rep for you Bud.
The investigation showed she swam into the backseat after "The Lion of the Senate" got his cowardly ass out of the car.
She was then alive long enough to CLAW the upholstery and lose her fingernails in the process.
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