teenie tiny white bugs =(


Well-Known Member
I just started some new good bagseeds ive been saving and i used some somewhat old leftover soil i never used on my last grow, and as im watering the seedlings (17 sprouted so far) i see these very small white bugs. The only time i can see them is when i drench the soil. Any ideas on what kind of bugs and how to fix? Should i just throw it all away and start over with fresh soil?? im using some left over foxfarmoceanforrest soil, i kinda wanted to use it cause it was a little expensive so i would feel bad throwing it away..... But i have no prob throwing it all away and just starting over i guess.... if i do ill buy some cheaper soil from lowes. Any ideas what i should do?


Well-Known Member
Don't reuse soil.

-High Times
-Jorge Cervantes
-Brown Dirt Warrior

They say adamantly to not re-use your soil. Anyone can argue that you can re-use soil. . . . . . but you're going to argue with those names? I'm going to say they're right. They say don't ever ever do it because of bugs, fungus and disease.

Try running an organic pesticide through the soil. Something garlic or neem based shouldn't damage your root system. I'd suggest visiting a growshop. . . . . but these bugs are either going to be eradicated by a $10-$20 bottle of insecticide or they are going to be a constant problem during your grow. If you can part with the seeds I'd toss it away.

If you want a good potting soil for way less than paying for ocean forest try this.

.3 soilless mix (pro-mix BX seems to be most commonly carried)
.3 compost
.15 perlite
.15 worm castings
.10 coco fiber
Add .5-1 cup dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil. Check out adding some azomite as well, its on ebay if not your local shop. Dolomite lime has a pH of 7 and pulls pH toward itself no matter what you do, it stabilizes the soil. Azomite contains all the trace elements you'll ever want. If your'e growing indoors make sure you get sterilized compost or leave the bag in the sun on a hot day all afternoon OR bake in the oven @ 150-200 degrees for 10 minutes. You're looking at making sure the compost reaches a temperature of 140 to kill eggs, pests and fungus.

Good luck man


Well-Known Member
thanks alot! i think ill just buy some new soil and have a fresh start. im glad i spotted this early on. +rep


Well-Known Member
Are you using miracle gro soil by chance? They put some kind of gnat larvae in their mix for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
sounds like thrips larvae. these are difficult to get rid of

MONTERAY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY (SPINOSAD) or get rid full 10% Bleach cleandown and start over



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I would suggest starting over with fresh soil. I use promix and any left over I store in a sealed rubbermaid bin so nothing can get into it.


Active Member
i got the same problem i got the little seedling and the tiny white..........i guess mites or bugs or watever u wanna call em
walkin around they dont move fast but still i dont like the look of em i got about 11 seedling in 1 big pot
so i guess ill transplant em and see if i get the bugs in there 2


Well-Known Member
You have 11 seedlings in one pot? Jesus if you're going to do that at least put them in buried PVC sections or something. If their root system gets tangled (and it will) you're severely reducing your plants potential. I'm sadder reading that.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
By the way I'm still dealing with those symphilids, like a month and 4 different applications of various chemicals later.


I have the same white bugs in my soil. Im about 3 weeks from harvest and I they just appeared out of no-where. I think I got them from doing landscaping (outside) and not washing my hands one day before handling my babies. I think I might go a week more and if I start to see a lot of them (bugs) or my babies start to turn real bad then I might induce delivery early. Any feed-back? Anyone know what kind of bugs these are?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have the same white bugs in my soil. Im about 3 weeks from harvest and I they just appeared out of no-where. I think I got them from doing landscaping (outside) and not washing my hands one day before handling my babies. I think I might go a week more and if I start to see a lot of them (bugs) or my babies start to turn real bad then I might induce delivery early. Any feed-back? Anyone know what kind of bugs these are?
According to my research, tiny white bugs that surface when you water:

If they jump they're springtails, they are harmless and eat decaying organic material.

If they are skinny and burrow back into the soil when the water level goes down they are symphillids.

I have read that a powder called BT Fungus Gnat Killer does well when you powder the surface and water it through.

And I have heard that mosquito pellets kill fungus gnats, so MAYBE using mosquito pellets would kill the tiny white bugs. It's worth a try...

I used some insecticidal soap spray, and a 3:1 rose care spray both with the labels of "ortho ecosese" that I purchased at Home Depot.

That spray holds them off for about a week for me.